My birth
On May third I was born in the Washignton D.C Hospital around 9:00 a.m in the morning. This is special because, well, I was born. -
Move to Denver
When I was a year old my mother and I move to Denver, Colorado to live with a friend. We drove all the way from Fair Fax, Virginia. This is important because my mother got to see all of her old friends. -
Birth of Hannah
My baby sister, Hannah, was born in the Denver hospital. I was four years old and I had a babysitter when this special occasion happened. I am so happy that this event happened. -
Moved to Fort Collins
When I was five and my little sister was 1 year we moved to Fort Collins, CO. My mom wanted better schooling for us and also wanted to go to CSU. If I had not moved here I don't know what my life would've been like. -
Pilgram Day
In first grade at Putnam we had a Pilgram Day to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was my first introduction to Native Americans and would DEFINATLEY not be the last. -
Broken Arm
When I was younger I had dance class in Denver. There were 8 girls my age that did break-dancing. When I was trying to do a backwords summersault into a headspin. One of the other girls knocked me over and i fell against the wall. This was the first and only time I have broken a bone. -
Switched Schools
I switched schools from Putnam Elementry to Lopez Elementry. I had to switch due to the location of my house. This was important because I met my Best friend, Tabitha Thomas. -
Honor Choir
After I switched back to Putnam Elementry I auditioned to be in Honor Choir. Honor Choir is like and advanced choir. It was important to me because I had wanted to be in it since first grade. I love to sing and this gave me a lot of tips. -
First day of Middle School
I started going to LIncoln Middle School in 2009. It was imprtant to me because if I didn't go to Lincoln I would have never met my friends that I know now. -
Jake Comes to Colorado
My older brother, who has been living in Virginia, finally moved to Fort Collins, CO. He now has a job and is getting his own apartment. I was happy to see him since he has been gone for four years. -
This summer I went to WaterWorld for the first time. I was suprised that it closed so soon and wished that we had gotten there earlier. This was important to me because we had a fun family day. -
Present Day