
Events and People of Bioinformatics

  • Alfred Sturtevant

    Alfred Sturtevant
    Alfred developed the firest genetic map of chromosomes. He also discovered the first reparable gene defect, and unequal crossing-over.
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan

    Thomas Hunt Morgan
    Morgan discovered the Drosophila genome. He adopted the term gene and made a hypothesis for sex-linked traits.
  • Fredrick Griffith

    Fredrick Griffith
    Griffith discovered the transforming principle and used strains of streptoccous pneunomia bacterium to prevent pneunomia.
  • Jean Brachet

    Jean Brachet
    Brachet showed DNA was found in chromosomes and that RNA was present in the cytoplasm of all cells. Both types of nucleic acid occur in plant and animal cells.
  • Beadle and Tatum

    Beadle and Tatum
    Tatum and Beadle discovered the role of genes in regulating biochemical events within cells.
  • Albert Levan and Joe Tijo

    Albert Levan and Joe Tijo
    They discovered that humans had forty-six chromosomes instead of forty-eight.
  • Meselson-Stahl

    An experiment that supported that DNA replication was semi-conservative.
  • Howard Temin

    Howard Temin
    Temin discovered the enzyme reverse transcriptase or RNA directed DNA polymerase. He recieved a Nobel Prize in 1975 for this experiment.
  • Walter Fiers

    Walter Fiers
    Fiers demonstrated the physical,covalently,closed circulatory of bacteriophage. He also developed the complete nucleotide sequence of a gene and of a viral genome.
  • Fredrick Sanger

    Fredrick Sanger
    He developed rapid DNA sequencing.
  • Yeast

    600 scientists finished sequencing the genome of bakers yeast.
  • Drosophila Genome

    Drosophila Genome
    The Berkeley Project and Celera sequenced the Drosophila Genome.
  • Arabidopsis

    The flower plant arabidopsis was sequenced.
  • Zebrafish Genome

    Zebrafish Genome
    The Sanger Institute sequenced the genome of a zebra fish (banio rerio)
  • Mouse

    The public and private efforts were done to get the mouse genome sequenced.
  • Rat

    The Rat genome sequencing project consortirium. It will probably never be finished due to gaps.
  • Dog

    (Canis Lupus Famillaris) Shotgun sequencing was done to sequence the genome of a dog.