5 Significant Inventions

  • The First Computer

    Charles Babbage invents the first machine, called the "Difference Engine", that is able to compute numbers and tables. This invention fails due to the lack of technology, but shapes what we see as the modern day computer.
  • The Transistor

    William Shockley, Walter Houser Brattain, and John Bardeen invented the transistor, which function is to amplify and switch electrical signals. This was a huge impact on today's computer design.
  • PC Computers

    John Blankenbaker's "Kenbak-1" won a contest called the "Earliest PC Contest" and was considered the first personal computer (PC). The first one was sold in early 1971.
  • Electronic Mail

    Ray Tomlinson is seen as being the first to send electronic mail between two different computers using a network called ARPANET
  • The Internet!

    Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf are American computer scientists that developed protocols that moves data through a network. ARPANET adopted this communications model and the modern era of the internet was started.