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Best tech

5 Computer Inventions from 2000-2010

  • iPod

    Inventors- Steve Jobs and Tony Fadell
    A pocket-sized portable music-playing device. If it weren't for the iPod, the iPhone and iPad wouldn't exist.
  • PowerMac G5

    PowerMac G5
    Inventor: Apple
    This was just another step towards a faster and more powerful computer and for people to own computers. People could search the web or create a document with ease.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Inventors- Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda
    The Nintendo Wii popularized movement-based controllers for games. It runs Wii and GameCube software and features a wireless motion-sensing controller that looks like a TV remote rather than a game controller.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    Inventor- Jeff Bezos
    This made it even easier for people to read books. They could store ten books on one tiny Kindle. They didn't need to worry about running out of space on their bookshelf. It was also much quicker to receive books, as it was instantaneous.
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    Inventor- Apple
    This computer was light and compact. This made it easier to carry than other laptops.