5 Blessings of My Life

  • My Birth

    In November 13, 2001, God gave me the blessing of the breath of life and was born to be an only child of Stan Lo and Jennifer Lo
  • Art Classes

    Art Classes
    God gave me a good start on drawing by having my parents give me art classes, although I quit classes after a year, I still continued to draw. Because of this, God gave me the talent of art that I have today even while I am still improving on the talent.
  • A new school, a new chapter

    A new school, a new chapter
    God gave me the blessing of being able to switch schools from Cornerstone to West Portal Lutheran School. I wouldn't have the many friends I have today if God never gave me the chance to transfer.
  • Sports

    God gave me the blessing of courage to finally join the basketball team. Because of His blessing, I joined the soccer team the next year and improved on both soccer and basketball.
  • Today

    God gave us the blessing of another sunrise to live our lives and gave me the blessing to be able to live through 12 years so far. God allows me to keeping living to praise his Holy name. The timeline may end here, but my life goes on.