5.16 Personal Timeline

  • First day of school

    First day of school
  • Dance Competition

    Dance Competition
  • Bike Rides w/ my Dad

    Bike Rides w/ my Dad
  • First International Trip

    First International Trip
  • Soccer Tournaments

    Soccer Tournaments
  • Family Traditions

    Family Traditions
  • I play soccer in College

    I play soccer in College
  • Traveling with my future family

    Traveling with my future family
  • Retire and move away from home

    Retire and move away from home
  • Watch grandkids grow up

    Watch grandkids grow up
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    The most influential thing in my life right now is my ability to keep up with soccer at a high level. If I chose to stop playing at such a young age I wouldn't have the opportunity to play in college, thus effecting where I go, my major, things like that. Family traditions are another huge thing. Implementing traditions with my future family is important because it will mirror things I did with my family years ago.
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    Looking back and then ahead on my future, my timeline tells me I will travel a lot and spend time with my family. These things I will do in the future are all things I grew up with. It will be easy to incorporate these things into my life later on.
  • How flexible or fixed does your timeline seem to be?

    My timeline here seems pretty flexible because I left my 30-50 age range open. I know some things I for sure wanted to include surrounded my family and when I wanted to retire. Leaving this space open allows me room for more niche activities I will do throughout my life.