314 Lit. Timeline

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    Believed that children should be able too learn what they can process at their age.
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    Thought that students could learn better through using the five senses and tricking them (the students) into learning how to read.
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    Very much focused on incorporating playing into learning, Because I believe that's how most students learn best.
  • Montessori

    Maria Montessori in a way is sticking to the older way of teaching. She believed that children needed early, orderly, systematic training in order to master the tasks that the students face.
  • Dewey

    John Dewey had a philosophy that was "child centered", or progressive education. He believed that children should be learning in a way that's interesting to them and is around play and instruction.
  • Piaget

    Piaget's theory of cognitive development shows the intellectual capabilities of children at their different stages.
  • Vygotsky

    Believes that children can gain new knowledge. They do this through schema, which are mental structures where people store information.