Childhood Development

  • Newborn

    *born measuring a weight of 6 pound.
    *lenght of 20 inches
    *with a swallowing reflex
  • First month

    *Holds head at a 45-degree angle
    *Makes sounds - oohs and ahhs
    *Can see black-and-white patterns
  • 4 months

    4 months
    • Make sounds when talked to *Rolling over from front-to-back and back-to-front
  • 6 months

    • Sits with little support* Begins to eat solid foods
    • Reconizes mother's voice
  • 7 months

    Reaches for objects with a sweeping motion# Imitates sounds (babbles)# Begins to make word-like sounds
  • 9 months

    9 months
    • Sit alone and change position * Say "mama" and "dada" * Crawl
      • Develop stranger anxiety
  • 10 months

    *Responds to their name*Waves goodbye
    *Obeject performance
  • 12 month

    12 month
    Uses gestures to indicate what they want or need# Able to say "mama" and "dada"
  • 2 years old

    The sensorimotor stage ends
    enter preoperational stage
    * Give toys when asked * Recognize a familiar picture and know if it is upside down
  • 2 1/2 years old

    2 1/2 years old
    • Use two or three words together, such as "more juice"
    • Begins toilet training* Expresses emotions
  • 3 years old

    3 years old
    • Begins conflict resolution* Able to dress and undress themselves
    • Ask and answer simple questions* Speak clearly and are understood by family members
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    Runs on tiptoes Understands concept of "yesterday," "today" and "tomorrow"
    Able to put their shoes on the correct feet
  • 7 years old

    *Enter concrete-operational stage
    *Show signs of adult thinking