3000 BCE - 1500 CE Social conflicts and triumphs through the age of Western Civilzation.
By Jamestcat17
3030 BCE
Social order of the Western World!
There were many great influencers of the world some of the big and some of them small. This list(timeline) will help you understand whom I think are the greatest influencers during this time! -
1300 BCE
The Phoenicians
Whom better to put in this list then the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were important for many things such as establishing harbors and trading posts throughout the Mediterranean Basin however that isn't the major accomplishment.It was their contribution to modern language. They made a language that was more efficient then any other language in the world. It was so easy that while cuneiform(One of the more popular languages) had 1000 characters the Phoenician language contained only 22! -
776 BCE
Greece and its social game the Olympics.
I think that this is an event that cannot be missed because it is still around today. I think it is important to note that this was not only a fun and awesome event it was also religious. It was important to the community to take part in this even to honor the god Zeus. It was so important that it stopped war for a time! During this time no-one was permitted to fight. What's even more amazing is that it is still around today! -
336 BCE
Alexander the Great
Alexander while being a great military general was also inspiring to many religiously. While traveling the globe through his battles he inspired loyalty among his followers and the people he conquered respecting their religion and letting them still practice it. He believed that their gods were just as important to them as his were to him so he treated them equal. He even visited Oracle sited and had temples built in his honor. -
The greatest Holy Figure
Jesus was noted to be the greatest leader of Christianity.During his time he led the world by spreading Christianity through conversation with his 12 apostles. He is extremely important because he influenced many great leaders of the world and his followers did the same. He gave people hope that their was a way out of the darkness and it was through acts of good alone.He died because of Pontius Pilate and what he believed in. And now Christianity is on of the most popular languages in the world. -
The Renaissance
The Renaissance was one of the most important period during the middle ages. It was a period of cultural, Artistic, Political, and economical "rebirth." Although their were many important events it is important to note the age of Exploration. During this time it was discovered that the world was actually round. and that their was a place of land that separated Europe and Asia later to be known as America. This is extremely important because people began coming up with new philosophies. -
Martin Luther
martin Luther saw that religion was corrupt so he deiced to write a letter to the church. He never excepted to become an important figure in history. However in 1520 the pope decided to condemn Luther for his actions. And this sparks a rebellion a sad and bloody rebellion. In 1525 there is the Peasant's war. The rebels were completely destroyed. This shows the world that something is wrong. This then created the idea that the only way for salvation was through acts of good. -
The Protestant Reformation
During this time religion had not only become extremely important and a great influencer it had also become corrupt. one central focus was the idea that the only way to pay for your sins was to literally pay money to the church. There many people who viewed this as bad but didn't speak up do to things like execution. This had a negative impact on society because it basically meant that if you were poor you had no right to enter the gates of Heaven. And people new this needed to change. -
Age of Enlightenment
The Age of Enlightenment was extremely important because helped discover the truths about the world, religion, and politics that would late improve the lives of everyone. During this time everything was subject to testing and rational analysis to see how and why it worked. During this time the most important idea was that god exists but does not interact supernaturally with us that is just natural events such as earthquakes. -
The After effect
I believe that these events were the most influential events that contributed to social understanding of western civilization. From things like the Phoenicians influencing the language itself to people like Martin Luther who helped us realize errors in the way the religion was being thought. Each one of these events had a major impact on the world then and as we know it today.