3 months: Babbling & Mimicking
8 months: Sitting up by himself
9 months: Object Permanence develops
9 months: Crawling
9 months: Says "Mama"
10 months: Waves goodbye
11 months: Clapping
1 year: Starts walking
1 year: Understands "no"
1 year: Holophrastic speech
2 years old: Rides tricycle
2 years: Telegraphic speech
3 years: Understands his name
4 years: Starts to form complete sentences
4 years: Forms Independence & takes Responsibility for himself
5 years: Counts to 10
5 years: Starts writing
6 years: Likes to play Pretend & Make-Believe
6 years: Starts to read
7 years: Starts joining Sports & Boy Scouts
7 years: Develops drawing skills
7 years: Learns how to swim
7 years: Loses 1st baby tooth
8 years: Able to throw and run accurately
8 years: Rides a bicycle
9 years: Starts going through puberty
9 years: Compares two objects
9 years Develops first crush
10 years: Able to read novels
10 years: Fine motor skills develops
10 years: Loses majority of baby teeth