2000's tech history

  • Y2K resolved

    A computer bug caused by programmers that decided to use 2-year format instead of 4-year format. Created by programmers in the 1950s. Source:
    Computer History Museum. (2023). Timeline of Computer History. https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/2000/ Picture source:
    Microsoft Bing images
  • J-Phone, first camera phone introduced.

    Made by Sony. Helped to set the stage for future camera integrated phones. Source:
    Computer History Museum. (2023). Timeline of Computer History. https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/2000/
  • "The Cloud"

    Known as a utility model in the 1960s by some companies. The cloud is known for data storage and can be used for personal use or companies to store and backup important data. Source:
    Computer History Museum. (2023). Timeline of Computer History. https://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/2000/
  • Apple launches Mac Book Pro

    This is Apple's first Intel-based computer. Designed as a high-end personal computer for consumers. Source:
  • Google Maps mobile

    Google maps serves the public for better travel accuracy through the use of GPS (global positioning system). Source: