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2.4 Learning Assessment long term goals

By 107459
  • On my terms

    On my terms
    On page 11 in the online health book that I need to set goals on my terms. For instance a goal for me is to get an all A report card by the end of the semester.
  • Connecting goals to happiness

    Connecting goals to happiness
    On page 12 in the online health book it says that you need to be happy with the goal you set so you can achieve your goal rather than force it. Right now I like school and I want to do well and if I do well it will make me happy
  • Proitizing

    It is very important to prioritize and put first things first meaning do what's more important. If I have a lot of homework on one night I'll ask my self what's most important? When are things due? Or how much is the assignment worth?
  • Dream Big Start Small

    Dream Big Start Small
    On page 13 in the online health book it says to dream big but start small. This means for me that before I can get As I have to do homework. Then take a quiz and repeat that process until finally take a test and do well and be prepared.
  • Take Stock along the way

    Take Stock along the way
    Sometimes setting goals can give us anxiety. So for me what I have to do is stay on top of my school because if I fall behind it is extremely difficult to catch up.