Advancement in Technology from 1980-1990

  • IBM PC

    In 1982 IBM made the first computer for home use. This was called the personal computer or PC. It used an operating system called DOS.
  • CD or Compact Disc

    The CD or Compact Disc, was the creation of Sony and Philips and was designed to share music with the world. Interestingly enough the first musician to have their music distributed on a CD was Billy Joel in 1982. The album was 52nd Street and was released in Japan. It came to the US in 1983.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    This system known as the NES was released with 18 games that were available to purchase with it. Some of which were Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf and the infamous Super Mario Bros.
  • The Morris Worm

    In 1988 the first computer "worm" was unleased by a 23 year old man named Robert T. Morris. He was the son of a computer security expert who was working for the National Security Agency at the time. The release of the worm into the internet caused major problems for a few days. He ended up being the first person every convicted under the the "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act".
  • Computer Wins Chess Battle

    In 1989 David Levy, a master chess player was defeated by a program called "Deep Thought" which was a chess game. It was the first time a computer had beat anyone at chess. Levy had been playing against computers since 1968