1965- The fist print reference of ''hypertext'' appears on february 3
1969- Decentralized system created under the basic assumption that parts of te network will fail
1971- A loop of ''pages'' broadcoast on tv
1974- Three competing technologies are Teletext, Videotext and Computers
1975- Canada begins development of Telidon, an advanced videotext system
1981-82- First computer-based online dial-up services(compuserve,the source,prodigy)
1986- Computers readily avaible in university computer,labs and offices
1990- Hypertext Markup Language is invented by Tim Berners-Lee
1992- Thera are 26 ''reasonably reliable'' servers exist on the World Wide Web
1993- Mosaic, first graphical Web browser for windows is releasd by the University of Ilionois