
  • Birthday

    On February 2,1933 my great grandpa was born.
  • 21st Amendmant

    21st Amendmant
    The 21st Amendment ended prohibition and was signed on December 5 1933. At Last
  • Naval Expansion

    Naval Expansion
    Just months before my great grandpa went to school the Naval expansion act was passed. Naval Expansion
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    Like most everything else at that time, schools in the 1930s were affected by the Great Depression. Schools in rural areas tended to be smaller and were more affected by budget cuts. City schools fared better and were more like modern schools. School
  • What year did you graduate Highschool?

    Shortly after my great grandpa graduated highschool he went of to a farm to work.
  • NATO

    NATO, the North American Treaty Organization, is formed with everyone in the world and they passed an act which said if you attack one you attack all. NATO
  • What was your first job?

    My Grandpas first job was working on a farm weeding and picking beans.
  • WW II

    WW II
    The United States withdraws its troops from Korea. WWII
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War started on June 25, 1950 and ended on June 27, 1953.
    Korean War
  • What year did you become a father?

    In 1956 my great grandpa Johns son was born John Jr.
  • Highways

    June 29, 1956 - Interstate highway system begins with the signing of the federal aid Highway Act. Highway Act
  • Takeover

    Communist forces complete their takeover of South Vietnam and made the United States retreat to lower Vietnam. Takeover
  • What year did you get married?

    My great grandpa John was married in 1975.
  • What year did you get your corvette?

    What year did you get your corvette?
    The Corvette was a dream car for grandfather for a long time and just last year he got a Corvette 2016 model for his birthday.
  • Rockets

    North Korea launches a long range rocket into space violating lots of laws. Rockets