German Troops Annex Austria
Riot in Downtown
A riot in downtown Sosnowek killed two people that were trying to warn the townspeople to leave. -
Vladek was drafted
Vladek was drafted into Polish forces -
The War Came
The Polish take arms against the Nazi Front. -
Germany Invades Poland
Vladek captured
Captured by German forces. -
Vladek released from work
Vladek escaped German work camp -
Vladek returns to Sosnoweic
Vladek sneaks across border to get home -
Italy attacks France
Italy takes up arms against france -
U.S. cracks Japanese Code
United States Naval Intelligence cryptographers crack Japan's secret communications code and learn that Japan intends to conquer China -
U.S. Seizes Axis Ships
Germany attacks Soviet Union
German Troops attack Old Russia -
U.S. Defends Iceland
President Roosevelt announces that the United States will take over defense of Iceland for the duration of the war. -
Auschwitz began to use poison gas
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japanese Planes bomb Pearl Harbor and put the U.S. in the war. -
Jews relocated into Sosnowiec Quarter
All Jews of Sosnowiec must be relocated into the Stara Sosnowiec Quarter by January 1st, 1942. -
Battle of Stalingrad ends
The stalemate at Stalingrad concludes -
All Jews must register at the Dienst Stadium
Anja's older sister poisons Richieu to have him not suffer the gas chambers -
Srodula Ghetto Cleared of Jewish Presence
The Jewish Community is liquidated and Anja and Vladek avoid being removed by hiding. -
The Nazis invade Elie's hometown
All of the Jews rights were stripped. -
Jews are forced from their homes
The Jews are deported from their communities. -
Elie arrives at the first work camp
Elie arrives at camp Birkenau -
Battle of the Bulge starts
Troops take arms at the battle of the bulge -
Elie gets surgery
Elie's foot gets infected and needs surgery -
Elie's Father dies
Elie's Father dies in his bunk and is removed from camp. -
The Holocaust ended
The Allies are victorious -
Elie's camp is Liberated
Elie sees the first American tank roll into camp -
Germany Surrenders
The Nazi Party is overrun -
Nazi Leaders are executed
Allies get revenge