First crusade

first crusade

By mzm
  • May 13, 1090

    Byznatine fortunes

    Byzantine fortunes were improving while the divided Turks were in decline
  • May 12, 1095

    Pope Urban II

    Pope Urban II convend a council at Clearmount, France in 1095 and proclaimed the First crusade.
  • Nov 13, 1095

    Urban II called to arms

    Pope Urban II reigned from 1088-1099 took advantage of the situation to appeal for armed volunteers to go out and do batttle with the Muslims, the enimes of the Christian faith; the appeal was made at a great assembly held at Clearmont in southern France in November of 1095
  • May 12, 1096

    Sarting date

  • May 13, 1096

    departure date

    Urban had fixed the Crusade's departure date for Aug. 15 1096 but the commoners who flocked to Peter the hermit's side were imptient and began to leave in April
  • Jul 1, 1097

    battle of Dorylaeum

    crusaders defeated seljuk troops at the battle of Dorylaeum
  • May 12, 1098

    First major battle

    the first major battle occurred in late 1098 at Maart an- Numan in Syria
  • May 13, 1098


    Antioch fell after a long siege in June 1098 a Turkish attempt to recover teh city was beaten off after the Crusaders had been exhilarated by the discovery within it of the "holy lance" the very weapon it was alleged that had pierced teh side of Jesus on Calvary.
  • Jun 12, 1098


    in june 1098 in an armenian let bohemond let his troops into the city
  • May 13, 1099

    City of Jerusalem

    when the crusaders first looked upon the Holy City of Jerusalem in 1099 they fell to their knees and gave thanks to God.
  • Jun 7, 1099


    on June 7, 1099 the crusading armies about 20,000 strong set up camp outside Jerusalem
  • Jul 15, 1099


    recapture of Jerusalem on July 15, 1099
  • May 12, 1100

    Godfrey of Bouillon

    Godfrey of Bouillon died in 1100, he one of the leaders of the crusaders
  • May 12, 1102

    End date

  • May 12, 1190

    Teutonic Knights

    the teutonic knights a religious order similar to those of the hospitallers and the templars was founded in 1190 to help defend the Holy Land against Moslems