1800-1850 TimeLine(Choice Board Assignment #3)

  • Period: to

    Western Migration

  • Louisiana Purchase

    In 1803 the Louisiana Puchase was made which created a lot of space west to live in
  • Indian Removal Act

    Even though space had opened up west, a major amount of the people migrating didn't start until this act was put into place
  • Oregon Trail

    This is when people begin to travel west using wagons on the Oregon Trail.
  • Manifest Destiny

    A journalist named John O'Sullivan described migration to the west in a new term "Manifest Destiny"
  • US owns Texas

    The US acquires Texas as a state
  • Mormon's on the move

    After experiencing antisemitic actions, over 5,000 Mormans fled to Utah
  • The War Over Texas

    This was a war between the US and Mexico over the rights to Texas
  • The War Over Texas Ends

    The war ended with Americans paying $15 million to Mexico for California, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and other place
  • US owns Oregon

    England signs a treaty giving Oregon territory to the Americans
  • Gold Rush

    James Marshall struck gold in California. People started rushing there to see if they could get rich