17th and 18th century Ag history

  • Tobacco seeds

    Tobacco seeds
    Sir. John Rolfe brought tobacco seeds to his colony. It later turned the colony into a profit for the Virginia Company.
  • First slaves

    First slaves
    African slaves were brought to Virginia
  • The Sickle

    The Sickle
    The sickle was a curved agricultural tool. It was used to reap grain and cut hay.
  • First export of goods

    First export of goods
    The Virginia shipping district shipped out goods and it help agriculture by allowing goods to be shipped around.
  • Period: to

    The Stamp Act

    British parliament passed a act that would tax American colonies. This led to boycotting british goods.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This was a farmers revolt against high taxes and deflation in Massachusetts.
  • Farming Population

    Farming Population
    The U.S. farming population made up 90% of the work force.
  • Potash

    Potash was a fertilizer used for crops it was the third major crop and plant nutrient.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Farmers began to revolt taxes on grain in whiskey. It was to reduce national debt.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    This machine allowed for rapid separation of seeds from cotton fibres. It helped make cotton profitable.
  • First Cast-Iron plow

    First Cast-Iron plow
    It was invented by Charles Newbold . This helped improve agriculture by making a job of breaking he soil and making furrow for seeds.
  • Insects eating plants.

    Insects eating plants.
    Paris Green was the solution to insects eating crops.