birth status
I was born November, 30th 1990 in Niagara Falls, New York to Tammy and Steve Cotner. -
Social Interactions
First day of school at Mount Carbon. -
The Columbine shooting was two students that killed 12 of their classmates a teacher and wounded many others -
Middle class
My Dad has always had more money than my mom after the divorce so my Dad has been more of the middle class -
Lower Class
My mom having less money after the divorce we lived in an apartment and then to a condo. But with her only working department store positions she doesn't make very much. -
Every fourth of July we lit off our own little fire works and my brother and i were finally old enough to light our own. -
I've always been labeld the klutz or spazz, and unless people actually know me either they think i'm weird, or indimidating. -
Reasons for Punishment- Retribution
After September 11th, the war in Iraq started to get rid of the terrorists. -
Cultural Integration
First time i met my step mom. After we all moved in together a good portion of my family was vietnamese, you hear them speaking it, making vietnamese food, people are always coming and going. -
5 basic needs- reproduce/ instill values
Two of my step sisters have kids, one has two and the other has one. I don't really agree on how they raise them but we're both have completely different values. -
I'm known as the guard girl ever since junior year, people might not know me but because i always wear my guard jacket and carrying equipment into the school thats pretty much all they know about me -
I figured out my true personality and most of who I am in high school. I learned what i believe in and who i want to suround myself with. -
I developed most of my values my sophmore year of high school when i joined colorguard for my first year. Since then I have more values that i keep very strongly, I work my hardest at dance, violin, and guard. -
Social Control
Sociol control says that the more commited you are to something the less deviant you will be. I joined guard when i was a sophmore and was commited ever since and it got me involved in many more things plus i was already commited to playing violin since 5th grade. -
Hard Work/ material success
I started my first job at KFC on April 23, 2008 -
Social Patterns
My social patterns are school, guard practice, dance, violin lessons, and work same day every week at the same time, with the same people. -
5 Institutions- family
My family consists of my dad, step mom, 4 step sisters, brother, 3 neices, mom, and step dad. -
Primary Deviance
In my whole time being in high school i have only ditched 3 times... if you count getting called in then thats way more but going off of just not show up its only been 3 times. -
When i started my job i made minimum wage so about 7.02. Now i make 8.25. The longer you stay there the more you get paid after a while, I've been there a for a year now. I don't know if gender affects how we get paid though.