Mar 31, 1096
The Crusade Began
Peter the Hermit had the idea to start an army to fight the Seljuk Turks. Around 100,000 men, women, and children went on it. -
Aug 31, 1096
Emperor Alexius I shipped the People's Crusades to Bosphorus
The Byzantine Emperor sent his ragged allies to fight in Asior Minor. In Asia Minor, also called Bosphorus, the Crusaders of Peter the Hermit's army got slaughtered by Seljuk Turks. -
Oct 31, 1099
The End of the People's Crusade
A very small amount, only about 7,000 people survived from the 100,000 who joined the People's Crusade, includin Peter the Hermit who had escaped to Constantinople before the war had even begun.