The Child From 1-3

  • Physical Developmental 12-18 months

    -turns several pages of a book
    -picks up small objects with thumb and forfinger
    -moves objects from hand to hand
    -may walk alone or while holding a caregiver's hand
    -sits down without help
    -slides down stairs backwards, one step at a time
  • Self Feeding 1 year

    Variety of Foods
    -avoid hard foods
    -no raw carrots
    -can use a spoon with little spilling
    -drinks from a sippy cup
  • Emotional Developmental 18months

    -self centered
    -very negative
    -desire for indpendence
    -frustated easily
    -gives choices
    -realizes that they are their own person
    -redirect the child
    -encourage talking
  • Social Patterns

    -bond more with the family
    -dont interact with one another
    -need to be played with often
    -use parallel play often
    -treat people like objects and not as humans
    -can notices emotions
  • Social Developmental Milestones 1 year

    -plays alone but often near others
    -dislikes sharing toys
    -desires approval
    -fears some strangers
  • Four Periods of Learning 1-2 years

    children learn through their senses and own actions.
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 1 year

    -begins to put two words together
    -names common objects and people
    -understands "no" but ignores it
    -finds hidden objects
  • Period: to


  • Physical Developmental 18-24 months

    -stacks from two to four blocks
    -grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles
    -walks well
    -jumps in place
    -climbs up or down one stair
    -pull toys with wheels
  • Self Feeding 2 years

    -can usually feed themselves
    -learns to use a fork
    -takes longer to eat
    -get most nutrition
  • Emotional Developmental 2 years

    -speech and motor skills are improved
    -has better patience
    -expresses love and affection more
    -gets along better with parents
  • Social Patterns 2 years

    -develop impressive list of social skills
    -good at understanding and interacting
    -can read moods and emotions
    -find it fun to play with others
    -people pleasures
  • Social Developmental Milestones 2 years

    -engages in parallel play
    -plays simple games with others
    -bosses other children
    -says "please" if promoted
  • Four Periods of Learning 2-7 years

    children think in terms of their own activities and what they perceive at the moment.
  • Intellctual Developmental Milestones 2 years

    -uses two to three word sentences
    -knows about 500 words
    -follows simple directions
    -identifies colors
  • Physical Developmental 2-2 1/2 years

    -stacks six blocks
    -turns one page of a book at a time
    -picks up objects from the floor without losing balance
    -walks with more coordination and confidence
    -jumps off the bottom step
    -pushes self on wheeled toys
  • Physical Developmental 2 1/2-3 years

    -stacks eight blocks
    -screws lids on and off containers
    -draws circles and horizontal and verticdal lines
    -alternates feet going up stairs but not going down
    -runs but may not be able to stop smoothly
    -throws a ball overhead but inaccurately
  • Emotional Developmental 2 1/2 years

    -more difficualt stage
    -not as easily distracted
    -cant always make themselves understood
    -may want to get something done but cant quite get there
    -immaturity and independence clash head on
    -very sensative
    -anger comes fast
  • Social Patterns 2 1/2 years

    -shows alot of negatisim
    -refuses to do anything for someone
    -learns the rights of others
    -the tend to forget really quickly
  • Physical Developmental 3-4 years

    -stacks nine or ten blocks
    -cuts with scissors
    -draws recognizable pictures
    -jumps up and down in place with both feet
    -catches a ball with arms straight
    -rides a tricycle
  • Self Feeding 3 years

    -quite skillful at using fork and spoon
    -have a full set of primary teeth
    -cut down to small pieces
  • Emotional Developmental 3 years

    -generally happy child who is eager to help
    -cooperative and easier to play with
    -willing to take directions
    -fewer temper tantrums
    -better at talking
    -respond when spoken too
  • Social Patterns 3 years

    -people become importat to them
    -actually plays with one another
    -willing to share and help
    -work in small groups together
    -parents are no longer powerful in their lives
    -perfer other over their friends
  • Social Developmental Milestones 3 years

    -takes part in brief group activities (cooperative play)
    -takes turns
    -likes to help
    -shows affection
  • Intellctual Developmental Milestones

    -usues longer sentences
    -knows about 900 words
    -follows two part directions
    -sorts by color ans shape
  • Emotional Developmental 3 1/2 years

    -often botherd by fears
    -becomes very insecure
    -they finally start habits
    -stumble and start to studder
    -controlive to theie environment
    -very demanding
  • Four Periods of Learning 7-11 years

    children can think logically but still learn best through experience.
  • Four Periods of Learning 11-Adult

    people are capable of abstract thinking.