Rwandan Genocide

  • Habyarimana assassinated

    President Habyarimana is killed when his private plane is shot down. Hutu extremists against the integration of Tutsi power into government are believed to be behind the assassination.
  • Killings Begin; UN abandons people of Rwanda

    The paramilitary group known as the Interhambwe begins making their way across Rwanda, brutally killing Tutsis and moderate Hutus. UN peacekeepers are killed, prompting the organization to evacuate all peacekeepers.
  • Rwandan Patriotic Front fights back

  • Period: to

    French, Belgian, and American Citizens Evacuated

    Other than evacuating their own citizens, western countries did nothing to aid the people of Rwanda.
  • Thousands slaughtered at Nyarbubuye

  • UN Cuts Forces by 90%

    just 270 troops remain in Rwanda at this time; an estimated 100,000 are dead
  • UN Condems Killings; Thousands Flee Rwanda

    The UN condems the killings in Rwanda but refuses to identify them as a 'genocide'. Tens of thousands of refugees arrive in Burundi, Tanzania, and Zaire seeking safety.
  • UN Security Council Issues New Identification

    The UN Security Council released a new resolution stating that 'acts of genocide may have been commited.' Upon releasing such resolution they agree to send 5,500 troops to defend civilians, however, this is delayed as disagreements as to who will finance this mission arise.
  • RPF Gains Back Control of Good Portion of Country

  • UN Deploys 2.500 French Troops

    UN deploys an emergency 2,500 French troops as part of Operation Turquoise, upon arriving in Rwanda these troops create a 'safe' area in the RPF controlled portion of the country. Despite UN presence killing continues.
  • RPF Gains Full Control of Country

    Annouces war is over and names Pastor Bizmungu as President and Faustin Twagiramungu as Prime Minister. Installed a government much like that of Habyrimana.