The child from 1-3yrs.

  • physical development 12months

    -turns several pages of a book at a time
    -picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger
    -moves objects from hand to hand
    -may walk alone or while holding a caregiver's hand
    -sits down without help
    -slides down stairs backwards,one step at a time
  • self-feeding 1yr.

    -children eat variety of foods
    -they should avoid hard foods like raw carrots
  • social milestones 1yr

    -plays alone but often near others
    -dislikes sharing toys
    -desires approval
    -fears some strangers
  • intellectual 1yr

    -begins to put two words together
    -names common objects and people
    -understands "no" but ignores
    -finds hidden objects
  • Period: to


  • physical development 18 months

    -stacks from two to four blocks
    -grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles
    -walks well
    -jumps in place
    -climbs up or down one stair
    -pull toys with wheels
  • emotional development 18 months

    -children have become self-centered
    -spoken instructions are not always successful with children of this age.
    -Negativism,doing the opposite of what others want is normally at this age.
  • social patterns 18 months

    begin developing some independence from the family unit
    need to learn about the outside world
    kids at this age dont really interact with other child very much
    they engage in parallel play
    seem to treat other people more as objects than as human beings
  • Physical development 2yrs

    -stacks six blocks
    -turns on page of a book at a time
    -picks up objects from the floor without losing balance
    -walks with more coordination and confidence
    -jumps off the bottom step
    -pushes self on wheeled toys
  • self-feeding 2 yrs.

    -usually can feed themselves and learn to use a fork
    -take long time to eat
    -they are still improving there fine motor skills
    -children should eat with there family
  • emotional development 2yrs.

    -there speech and motor skills have improved
    -understands more and is able to wait longer
    -express love and affection freely and seeks approval and praise
    -are easier to reason with
  • social milestones

    -engages in parallel play
    -plays simple games with others
    -bosses other children
    -says"please" if prompted
  • piaget 2yrs

    children learn through their senses and own actions
  • social pattern 2 years

    develop an impressive list of social skills
    especially good at understanding and interacting with their main caregivers
    children can read their caregivers moods and gauge what kind of behavior the caregiver is likely to accept
  • intellectual 2 yrs

    -uses two-to three-word sentences
    -knows about 500 words
    -follows simple directions
    -identifies colors
  • emotional development 2 1/2

    -arent as easily distracted as they were at eighteen months
    -Children this age are learning so much that they often feel overwhelmed
    -immaturity and a powerful need for independence clash head-on.
  • social pattern 2 1/2 yrs.

    child may refuse to do anything at all for one person
    beginning to learn about the rights of others
    responding to the idea of fairness
    social play is still parallel and works best with only two other children
  • physical development 2 1/2

    -stacks eight blocks
    -screws lids on and off containers
    -draws circles and horizontal and vertical lines
    -alternates feet going up stairs but not going down
    -runs but may not be able to stop smoothly
    -throws a ball overhead but inaccurately
  • physical development 3yrs

    -stacks nine or ten blocks
    -cuts with scissors
    -draws recognizable pictures
    -jumps up and down in place with both feet
    -catches a ball with arms straight
    -rides a tricycle
  • self-feeding 3yrs.

    -using forks and spoons
    -full set of primary teeth so chewing foods isnt a problem
    -meats and other tough foods should be cut into small pieces
  • emotional development 3yrs

    sunnier dispositions than 2 yrs old
    more cooperative and are learning to be conderate
    become more willing to taking directions from others
    like to talk and are much better at it
    they talk to their toys
  • social pattern 3 yrs.

    people become important
    will share,help,or do things another person's way just to please someone
    begin cooperative play
    seek friends of their own
  • social milestones 3yrs

    -takes part in brief group activities(cooperative play)
    -takes turns
    -likes to help
    -shows affection
  • intellectual 3yrs

    -uses longer sentences
    -knows about 900 words
    -follows two-part directions
    -sorts by color and shape