Alicia's timeline

  • I was born in Heidelburg, Germany

    I was born in Heidelburg, Germany
    My mom was already pregnant whem she got married. She had me when she was 24. Also, I was born in Heidelburg, Germany!!!
  • Period: to


  • I moved to New Orleans

    I only lived in Germany for a short amount of time after I was born. When we moved to New Orleans, we would go hiking in swamps with alligators!!! There were also geckos in the house!
  • I moved to California

    I don't really remember alot from the first time I lived in California but I do know that I played soccer and had a blast with my best friend Jenna!!!
  • My sister Alena was born

    I remeber that the plan was that when my mom was having my sister, Alena, that my friends mom would pick me up from school. Every day after school, I was looking to see who was in the car that was picking me up... and when it was my friends mom I was sooooooooooooooo happy!!!
  • I moved back to Germany

    I moved back to Germany
    In Germany, I made some good friends. One of my best friends sister was really mean but I delt with it. Again, we didn't live there very long but while I did I had alot of fun!!!
  • I moved back to California

    I moved back to California
    Now that I was older and I was going to live in America for a while, I had to learn English a bit better. At first it was hard and sometimes I spoke a sentence half English and half German, but I learned and can now speak BOTH languages well!!!
  • My sister Gwen was born

    My sister Gwen was born
    When my little sister Gwen was born, I was sooo happy!!! I couldn't wait to teach her all the thing I had taught Alena!!!
  • Im moved to Fitchburg, Wisconsin

    Im moved to Fitchburg, Wisconsin
    Now, I live in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. I LOVE it here!!! I go to a great school with great teachers, I live in a big house in a neighborhood full of kids, and I've made ALOT of awesome friends!!! A bonus is that I got introduced in to what is now my FAVORITE sport... HOCKEY!!!