
The Industrial Revolution

By 13883
  • The Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle
    John Kay made a shuttle that sped back and fourth on wheels. It doubled the work a weaver could do in a day
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny, which named after his daughter, It allowedd one spinner to work 8 threads at a time.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    He defended the idea of a free economy, or freemarket in his book "The Wealth of Nations"
  • The Spinning Mule

    The Spinning Mule
    Samule Crompton combined eatures of the spinning jenny and the water frame to produce the spinning mule. It made thread that was stronger, finer, and more consistant.
  • Utilitarianism

    Utilitarianism: the growth of cities and the migration of people into them This philosophy was introduced by Jeremy Bently
  • Samuel Slater

    Samuel Slater
    Slater emigrated to the United States from Britian. He built a spinning machine from memory and partial design.
  • Moses Brown

    Moses Brown
    Brown opened the first factory in the Unitie States to house Slater's machines in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. This machine removed seeds from the raw cotton.
  • Capitalism

    Capitalism: an economic system in which money is invested in business ventures with the good of making a profit. This was introduced by Thomas Malthus
  • Thomas Malthus

    Thomas Malthus
    Malthus wrote an essay on "The Principle of Population" which he argued that population tended to increase more rapidly than the food supply.
  • The Union Movement

    The Union Movement
    Unions: workers joined together in voluntary associations. Unions engaged in collective batgaining negotiations between workers and their employers.
  • Socialism

    Socialism: the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. This was introduced by Charles Fourier
  • Fancis Cabot Lowell

    Fancis Cabot Lowell
    Lowell revolutionixed the American Textile Industry.
  • Road Transportation

    Road Transportation
    John McAdam, a scottish engineer equipped roadbeds with a layer of large stones for drainage. Even in rainy weather wagons could travel over the new "macadam" roads without sinking in mud.
  • Railways

    In 1821, George Stphenson began work on the world's first railroad line. It was 27 miles from the Yorkshire coalfields to the port of Stockcton. In 1825, the railroad opened.
  • The U.S

    The U.S
    The most prominent U.S reformer Horace Mann of Massachusettes. He favored free punlic educations for all children. By 1850, many states were starting to establish a system of public schools.
  • The Affect of Women

    The Affect of Women
    Women were paid more to work in factories than at home and got paid a third less than men. This caused women to form unions in thetrades where this dominated.
  • Communism

    Communism: a form of complete socicalism in which the means of production. This was introduced by Karl Marx
  • Elizabeth Gaskell

    Elizabeth Gaskell
    She wrote "mary Barton" a work of fiction. Its realistic description of the dank cellar dwelling place of one family in a Manchester slum presents a startlingly accurate portrayal of urban life at the time.
  • Aboliton of Slavery

    Aboliton of Slavery
    The enslavement of African people finally ended in the Unitied States when the union won the Civil War in 1865.