Jethro Tull
Invented the seed drill -
Steam Engine
James Watt -
Adam Smith
Publishes The Wealth of Nations -
Adam Smith was the founder of capitalism. He wrote The Wealth of Nations which defended the idea of a free economy, or free markets. Capitialism is an economic system in which money is invested in business ventures with the goal of making a profit. Also economists Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo supported Smith's ideas. They believed that natural laws governed economic life. -
Jeremy Bentham introduced the philosophy of utilitarianism and wrote Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation in 1789. Utilitarianism is that government actions are useful only if they promote the greatest good for the greatest numner of people. John Stuart Mill a philosopher and economist led the utilitarian movemne tin the 1800's. He believed it was wrong that workers should lead deprived lives that sometimes bordered on starvation. Robert Owen improved working conditions. -
The Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney -
The Bill to end Slavery from Parliament
Parliement passed a bill to end the slave trade in the British West Indies in 1807 -
Charles Fourier and Saint Simone sought to offset the effects of industrialization witha new kind of economic system. Socialism, the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. Grew out of the belief in progress for social justice. -
The Telegraph
Samuel Morse -
Sewing Machine
Elias Howe -
Karl Marx and Engels
Published The Communist Manifesto -
Elizabeth Gaskell
British writer whose novels show a sympathy for the working class -
Women Fight for Change
The revolution proved a mixed blessing for women. It offered higher wages then work done at home. Also women factory workers usually made less the men. Women led reform movemnets to address this and other pressing social issues. The women formed unions in the trades where they dominated. The movement for women's rights began in the U.S as early as 1848 -
The founder of communism is Karl Marx. He described communism as a form of complete socialism in which the means of production all land, mines, facories, railroads, and businesses would be owned by the people. Private property would in effect cease to exist. All goods and services would be shared equally. Karl and Friedrich Engels outlined their ideas in a 23 page pamphet called The Communist Manifesto. They argued the human societeis have always been divided into warring classes. -
Jane Addams
She ran settlement houses for the poor residents of the slum neighborhoods. Also fought for equal pay for women. -
Transatlantic Cable
Cyrus Field -
Alfred Nobel
Invented dynamite -
Alexander Graham Bell -
Abolition of Slavery
William Wilberforce was a member of Parliament who led the fight for aboliton. Abolition is the end of the slave trade and slavery in the Brisith Empire in this situation. He retired from Parliament in 1825 and continued his fight to free the slaves. Britian finally abolished slavery in its empire in 1833. In the U.S the movement to fulfill the promise of the Declaration of Indepenedence by ending slavery grew in the early 1800's. -
Expansion of U.S industry
In the United States there was a great deal of growth in the industry in the Northeast in the early 1800's. The wealth of natural resources like oil, coal, and iron and a burst of inventions happened. Also the railroad system increased in track size from 2,818 miles to 208,152 miles in 50 years. (1840-1890)