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Programming Languages


    Wikipedia - FORTRAN Fortran is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing. It was first designed for scientific and engineering applications by John Backus but it has been in computationally intensive areas such as numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational physics and computational chemistry.

    Wikipedia - MATH-MATIC MATH-MATIC was developed by Charles Katz and was the early programming language for UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. MATH-MATIC was intended as an improvement over FORTRAN. MATH-MATIC led to the development of the first English-language business data processing compiler, B-0 (FLOW-MATIC).

    COLBOL is an acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language, defining its primary domain in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.

    Wikipedia - BASIC BASIC was designed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz and is an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was made to provide computer access to non-science students. It was unstructured, later procedural and later object-oriented
  • LOGO

    Wikipedia - LOGO LOGO was developed by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert and it is a computer programming language used for functional programming. The first implementation of Logo, called Ghost, was written in LISP on an SDS 950. The goal was to create a math land where kids could play with words and sentences.
  • SQL

    Wikipedia - SQL SQL is a database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS), and originally based upon relational algebra and calculus. SQL was developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. SQL was designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in IBM's original quasi-relational database management system.

    Wikipedia - PASCAL Developed by Niklaus Wirth, PASCAL was made to teach students structured programming. PASCAL is a procedural language that includes the traditional array of ALGOL-like control structures with reserved words such as if, then, else, while and for.
  • C

    Wikipedia - C C is a general-purpose computer programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie. C was designed for implementing system software, but it is also widely used for developing portable application software. In C, all executable code is contained within functions. C is one of the most popular programming languages of all time.
  • C++

    Wikipedia - C++ C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup and it is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. C++ is one of the most popular programming languages ever created. C++ began as enhancements to C, first adding classes, then virtual functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates, and exception handling among other features.
  • ADA

    Ada is a structured, statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level computer programming language, extended from Pascal and other languages. ADA is designed by a team led by Jean Ichbiah of CII Honeywell Bull. Ada was originally targeted at embedded and real-time systems.

    Wikipedia - VISUAL BASIC Visual Basic is the third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment from Microsoft for its COM programming model.
    Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development of graphical user interface applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects
  • Java

    Wikipedia - PASCAL JAVA was developed by James Gosling and was originally designed for interactive television, but it was too advanced for the television industry at the time. Java was aimed to implement a virtual machine and a language that had a familiar C/C++ style of notation. Java was built almost exclusively as an object-oriented language.