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New France and First Nations

  • Jan 16, 1000

    Indians first Arriving in Canada

    Indians first Arriving in Canada
    First Nations arrive in Canada.
  • Feb 3, 1000

    Vikings First Visit Canada

    Vikings First Visit Canada
    Vikings land in what is now Newfoundland and name it Vinland to attract people here. (fail)
  • Feb 13, 1500

    French fishing Crews

    French fishing Crews
    Many French fishing crews sailed to Canada in the early 1500's.
  • Feb 13, 1500


    Beaver hats became the latest fashion in France so furs were exported from Canada.
  • Dec 31, 1534

    Sending of a Settler

    Sending of a Settler
    Kings of France sent Jaques Cartier to the new world to look for gold.
  • Feb 13, 1541


    Cartier sails down the St. Lawrence and settles in what is now Montreal.
  • Feb 13, 1543


    The end of the french colony lasted only until 1543.
  • Englands Vs. French

    Englands Vs. French
    During the early 1600s many English colonists settled along the east coast of North America south of New France.
    Disputes over fur with the english and french broke out
  • Starting of New France

    Starting of New France
    French settlers arrive and were the first ones successful of surviving the cold winter
  • Capture- Part 1

    Capture- Part 1
    English forces captured the town of Quebec
  • Capture- Part 2

    Capture- Part 2
    The French regained the town of Quebec.
  • Conquering Huronia

    Conquering Huronia
    During the Late 1640s the Iroquois conquered Huronia and killed most the French missionaries.
  • Breechloaders

    The Breechloaders were introduced for hunting.
  • Bison and the First Nations

    Bison and the First Nations
    Plains Indians culture was based primarily on immense heards of bisons till they became indangered in the 1880's.
  • Native Name Change

    Native Name Change
    The tern "inuit" replacing the term "eskimo."
  • Dene Declaration

    Dene Declaration
    The dene Declaration included the phrase "we the Dene are part of the Fourth world
  • Columbous and Europe

    Columbous and Europe
    by the early 1500's some europeans realized that Columbus had reached an unknown land which they called the New World.
  • Great Mark

    Great Mark
    Hopefully Dakota Dance alias- Fabio Manchini gets a GREAT MARK on his timeline assignment.