Latin America History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1519

    Hernan Cortez

    Hernan Cortez
    Hernan Cortez and his Spanish conquistadors overthrew the Aztec Empire and killed its last Emperor, Cuahtémoc.
  • Jan 1, 1540


    Expansion northward: Soto in present southeast United States; Coronado in southwest; Cabrillo in California.
  • New Spain

    New Spain
    New Spain lost Florida to Great Britain but gained Louisiana from France.
  • Jesuits

    Expulsion of jesuits
  • American war of Independence

    American war of Independence
    Governor Bernardo de Galvez from New Orleans fought British and regained the Floridas during the American War of Independence.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon took Louisiana back from New Spain but sold it to the United States.
  • Napoleons power

    Napoleon deposed Spanish king and replaced him with his brother, Joseph, precipitating revolution and the Peninsular War and, ultimately, his own downfall.
  • Mexican Independence

    Father Manuel Hidalgo called for Mexican independence from Spain in "el gríto de Delores" and this became Mexico's Independence Day. However, the struggle denigrated into guerilla warfare as the masses -- Mestizos and Indians -- rose against whites -- Gachupines and Creoles.
  • Settlements

    General Augustín de Iturbide signed the Plan of Iguala to establish the new nation: conservative rule to protect upper orders against the masses. In July, the last Viceroy, Juan O'Donojú, recognized Mexican independence in the Treaty of Córdoba. Iturbide proclaimed himself Emperor Iturbide I. In the same year, Austins began American settlement of Texas.
  • Santa Anna

    Santa Anna
    Miguel Alemán elected first civilian President since Madero in 1911.
  • united states vs mexico

    The United States annexed the Republic of Texas. President James K. Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico to settle differences but war party in Mexico under Paredes won out.
  • First President

    Aztec Club of 1847 organized in Mexico City with General John A. Quitman, of Mississippi, as its first President.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the War. Terms of peace included payment by the United States of $15 million for Mexico Cession.
  • Benito Juarez

    A new constitution and a liberal victory, but three years of civil war followed until Benito Juarez emerged as liberal leader and President.
  • Civil War

    European intervention during the American Civil War by Great Britain, Spain and France. First two withdrew shortly thereafter.
  • Capture of Mexican City

    French army captured Mexico City and Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Hungary, a Hapsburg, proclaimed second Emperor of Mexico.
  • civilian president

    civilian president
    Miguel Alemán elected first civilian President since Madero in 1911.

    Mexico joined the U. S. and Canada in NAFTA, effective January 1, 1994.
  • President of US

    President of US
    Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon inaugurated President of Mexico.
  • Bank Crisis

    Bank Crisis
    Mexican banking crisis. With U. S. aid the Mexican economy recovers.