
Inventions in the Texile Manufacturing Revolution

  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    John Kay created this to heap weavers create larger pieces of cloth. Before this was created, cloth could only be made to the maximum width of a man's body. "The Open Door Web Site : History : The Industrial Revolution : The "Flying Shuttle"" The Open Door Web Site : Home Page. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.
  • Roller Spinnig Patent

    Roller Spinnig Patent
    Created by John Wyatt and Lewis Paul, this machine was powered by donkeys and drew out a silver of wool to the right thickness before spinning it. By 1741, the machine was used in a mill in Birmingham. Although this invention was not very successful, Richard Arkwright used some of its ideas to create his water frame. "Roller Spinning." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny to eliminate the bottleneck. At first it only allowed 16 spindles of thread to be spun but after a while it was able to have 120 spindles (Craig et al, p.635).
  • Steam Engine Patent

    Steam Engine Patent
    The steam engine was the first machine that was steady and had an unlimited source of inorganic power. James Watts experimented with a model of Thomas Newcomen's machine and made changes to it to create better efficency. Then in 1769 her patented his invention (Craig et al, p.636)
  • Water Frame Patent

    Water Frame Patent
    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame, which took cotton textile manufacturing from the home and into a factory. This invention was water powered designed to produce pure cotton fabrics (Craig et al, p.635)
  • Carding Machine Patent

    Carding Machine Patent
    In 1748 Lewis Paul invented a hand driven carding machine then Richard Arkwright made imporvements to the machine and got a patent in 1775. The comb of the machine removed the carded fibres from the doffing cylinder. "Carding Machine." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.
  • Spinning Mule

    Spinning Mule
    Samuel Crompton invented this which combined the moving carriage of the spinning jenny with the rollers of a water frame. The Spinning mule gave the spinner more control over the weaving process and enabled spinners to make different types of yarn. Bellis, By Mary. "Industrial Revolution - Spinning Mule." Inventors. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.
  • Flax Spinning Machines

    Flax Spinning Machines
    John Kendrew, who was a glass grinder, and Thomas Porthouse, who was a watchmaker, made this machine of drawing frames with drums that were able to roll out long flax fibers and had a spinning frame with four spindles. "Flax Spinning Machines." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Edmuch Cartwright invented the power loom which was steam-powered and machanically operated that combined threads to make cloth. When the loom was perfected, women took mens places as weavers in textile factories. Bellis, By Mary. "Power Loom - Edmund Cartwright Invented the Power Loom." Inventors. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.
  • Wool Combing Machine

    Wool Combing Machine
    This was also created by Edmund Cartwright which was used to arrange and lay fibers for wool to prepare the wool for spinning. "Wool Scouring|Wool Carbonising|Wool Combing|Worsted and Woollen System|woolipedia." Woolipedia - Everything about Wool|Merino Wool - A Guide to Wool|Wool Products|Wool's Benefits. Web. 30 Dec. 2010.