Charles babbage
Charles Babbage originatined the concept of a programmable computer. -
John Atanasoff
John Atansoff invented the first electronic digital computer in the 1930s at Iowa State College -
Alan Kay
He is best known for his pioneering work on object-oriented programming and windowing graphical user interface design -
Steve Wozniak
Steve Woznaik is a computer engineer and programmer who co-founded Apple Computer with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. -
Alan Cooper
He created the Goal directed design methodolgy and pioneered the use of personas as practical interaction design tools to creat high-tech products. -
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. -
James Gosling
James Gosling is the father of the Java programming laungage -
Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berner-lee is best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web -
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is the former cheif executive and current chairman of Microsoft. -
Philip Estridge
Philip Estrdge led the development of the original IBM Personal Computer, and this is known as "father of the IBM PC"