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10 Inventions Timeline

  • Steam Engine - Thomas Newcomen and James Watt

    Steam Engine - Thomas Newcomen and James Watt
    It helped lift water from mines that were usually and constantly waterlogged. James Watt later on fixed any imperfections and made it even more efficient. It was very important because many mines were waterlogged and it was hard to get access to water but everyone needed something to drink so the steam engine helped solve that issue.
  • Coke Fueled Furnace - Abraham Darby

    Coke Fueled Furnace - Abraham Darby
    It was an efficient way of producing steel. They used coke instead of charcoal as fuel because charcoal became very scarce. It was very important because it was another way of producing steel easily and accessible without having to pay much for charcoal since it became very expensive and there was low quantity.
  • Flying Shuttle - John Kay

    Flying Shuttle - John Kay
    The flying shuttle allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics, which helped a lot because more fabric could be weaved in less time. It was important because it sped up the process and time spent because before it was done by hand. Now it can be done using the flying shuttle.
  • Electric Motor - Andrew Gordon and Benjamin Franklin

    Electric Motor - Andrew Gordon and Benjamin Franklin
    The electric motor is a machine that turns electric energy into mechanical energy. It was important because it has evolved a lot from the very beginning. An example of an electric machine is a generator which is something that comes in handy a lot during bad situations. If we lose power, we can use generators to help us, which is very important and a great advantage.
  • Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves

    Spinning Jenny - James Hargreaves
    It spinned cotton to help make designs and items. It was used everywhere from small houses to industrial factories. It was very important because it was an updated version of the older used spinning wheel. It was more convenient and helped everyone, no matter who they were or where they lived.
  • Spinning Mule - Samuel Cromptons

    Spinning Mule - Samuel Cromptons
    The spinning mule revolutionized how much cotton can be spun at one time, which was great because nobody had to create their own. This was very important because without it, people had to create their own splinders but now the machine can make hundreds at one time. So it made everything much easier and less time consuming.
  • Power Loom - Edmund Cartwright

    Power Loom - Edmund Cartwright
    A power loom is a mechanized loom, and was also one of the key inventions in the weaving industry during the Industrial Revolution. It was important because it helped reduce the need for humans to help/work with the weaving process. So it helped decrease the need for human interaction.
  • Sewing Machine - Thomas Saint

    Sewing Machine - Thomas Saint
    A sewing machine is used to sew materials together by threading. Sewing machines were created during the Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount of hand-sewing work that was happening in clothing companies. It was important because during the Industrial Revolution, many people had to do manual work which was very tiring and caused a lot of pain so the sewing machine helped decrease all of the uncomfortable, time consuming activities.
  • Electrical Telegraph - Samuel Morse

    Electrical Telegraph - Samuel Morse
    The telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication by transmitting electrical signals to each station. With this invention, Samuel also developed a code that allowed complex messages to be sent across the telegraph. It was very important because he developed morse-code, which is something we still use today. The inventions he created back then have also become a modern day use.
  • Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell
    Alexander wanted to make it more convenient to talk to others that were not nearby, and so many people enjoyed it, that he was awarded for it later on. It was important because he started the whole idea of technology. He came up with the idea of phones and later, more complex models were developed. So now it is an everyday item that has gradually grown and gotten bigger and better from the start, all thanks to Alexander.