Road To Industrial Revolution

  • Invention of Steam Engine

    Invention of Steam Engine
    Thomas Savery was the one that invented the steam engine which allowed to pump out water out of coal mines.This meant that people could have factories basically anywhere not just along flowing rivers.Which expanded the nation and made a larger place for everyone and gave them a better opportunity to transport it.That is important because it seperated the coal from the water which we use coal all nowadays which is a resoruce.
    <a href='' >steam.engi
  • Invention of the Flying Shuttle

    Invention of the Flying Shuttle
    John Kay was the one that invented the flying shuttle which is a way for making clothe.It also produced more cloth so it keeped revolving.Thats didn't mean that their their job was easier because they needed more people and more production and hours for the people but it was better than doing it by hand it was less stress for them to carry on them people get tierd.This had been a good inventon that has lead us to the invention of a better and faster way <ahref='
  • Invention of Spinning Jenny

    Invention of Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreavers invented the spinning jenny which is a more accurate invention that was used right after the flying shuttle.Its a better invention that was invented to also weave clothe but by putting cotton in the clothe.It made peoples labors easier and to trade but while more was being produced it became cheaper.It is important because their are other things that can be used with cloths and decorate things.also increased with improvement technology.<a href='
  • Invetion of Water Frame

    Invetion of Water Frame
    Richard Arkwright was the one who invented the water frames which has provided more power to the spinning frame than the human operator.It has reduced that labor of the people and have produced so much more clothe than people would do it by hand and is still being used nowadays because this is one of the most known inventions that are used much.<a href='' >water f
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Invention of Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitley was the one that invented the cotton gin which seperated the fiber from their seeds and that made labor so much easier which made them able to plant more cotton.Cotton was the number one cash crop in the south and they got alot of money but required more slaves to do the job.They bulit more cotton textiles which when they did that they demaded more production.
    cotton gin
  • Invention of Steam Boat

    Invention of Steam Boat
    Robert Fulton was the one that invented the steam boat it has helped people transport goods and also take people to their destination.We use this so much because we trade with people because of the goods that are exported and the ones that are being imported.People use theses boats and we really need them because without them we would starve because thats where almost all the food that comes is use to be export good to one places.<a href='
  • Invention of the Railroad

    Invention of the Railroad
    George Stephenson was the one that invented the railroads which was a way for people to go from one places to another without riding a horse its faster than a horse.That helped people make and gave them better ideas of making trasportation better.That lead for the people to have more choices of where they were going to settle.this brought constructive and operations and brought social,economic and political changes to other places.Populations to increase<a href='
  • Invention of Sewing Machine

    Invention of Sewing Machine
    Elias Howe was the one who invented the machine which benefited a lot of people that were poor and didnt have enough money to buy brand new clothe.This product was a good source to their problems which was a faster way for the people to fix or put back two pieces of thread right back together so they wouldnt have to buy another shirt,skirts,shorts or pants.Which this invention was also a leading cause to the new and better way to fix and make.<a href='
  • Invetion of incandesent light bulb

    Invetion of incandesent light bulb
    Thomas Edison was the one that invented the incandesent light bulbs which are used by everyone nowadays.Without it we woudlnt be able to see and do as many things as we do all day all the things that we were going to have to do was going to take half of the day if these light bulbs werent created.We cant live without electricity just like water and food.It was mainly the most important thing man kind has ever made light.<a href='http://' >incandesen
  • Invention of the wireless telegram

    Invention of the wireless telegram
    Guglielmo Marconi was the one that invented the wireless telegram which allowed people to communicate with others by just using the antenna and there has to be one person in each side.It gave us and them the chance to being able to commmunicate with others.Not by being face to face with the person and allowed us to meet new people.We used this as a advance of technology but this was what they used at first.wireless telegram