This was when people started to come to Hawaii, this is important because this is when Hawaii all started. -
Captain Cook landed in Hawaii, this is important because he brought cargo, disease etc and changed hawaiian history. -
This was when the European ships began to arrive and brought disease from other parts of the world killed many of the Hawaiians,this is important because it affected the Hawaiian population in a negative way. -
Kamehameha I conquered many of the islands and establishes the Hawaiian monarchy, this is important because people were united not fighting. -
Kamehameha I died, and his son Liholiho became Kamehameha II. He promptly abolished the local religion, this is important because a very common religion was gone -
The first sugar plantation is established on Kauai, This is important because it starts to bring in workers from all different races. -
Hawaii adopted its first constitution, this is important because it protected the individual freedom, and its fundamental principles. -
The pineapple industry began in Hawaii with the importation of sweet pineapple plants from Jamaica, this is important because this was the first pineapple industry. -
The bombing of Pearl Harbor Dec. 7 1941, this is important because it was one of the reasons the United States entered World War 2. -
Hawaii becomes the 50th State, this is important because this is when Hawaii became apart of the United States.