First Computer
Konrad Zuse invented the first person to invent a programmable computer. This is important, because without this, we wouldn't be as far with computers as we are today. -
First Vacuum Tubes
The first vacuum tubes were used in a computer for memory storage and this later developed into more complex circuits, which is highly important to a computer. -
The transitor was invented. This made it possible for a computer language to be made up and later input and output devices. -
Commercial Computers
The first commercial computer was invented, and was used to pick Presidental Canidates. This is what lead up to the supercomputers we have nowadays. -
Programming Language
The first high level programming language was invented, this later gave way to HTLM for the internet and other things such as that. -
The mouse is invented and makes it easier to navigate around a computer. Mouses are still used today. -
The internet was invented. Chosen for obvious reasons. -
RAM Chip
The first RAM chip was invented. This helped with making computers faster and be able to process more information. -
Apple invents the first family, or personal computers. These computers are for everyone, and they are still being used and made better today. -
Microsoft Windows
The first Microsoft Windows was made, and it is stil used today, and is one of the best programs around.