Founder(s): Konrad Zuse Purpose: It was for the Engineering field. What it stands for: It is German for Plan Calculus. -
Founder(s): John Backus, and collaboration with IBM Purpose: It is for meteorology and chemistry and physics purposes as well. What it stands for: It is a word that is a shorter version of “Formula Translation”. -
Founder(s): Remington Rand Purpose: It was to introduce fractions and decimals instead of just integers for arithmetic. What it stands for: It is a shorter version for “Mathematics”. -
Founder(s): John McCarthy, Timothy P. Hart, Mike Levin, and Steve Russell Purpose: It was to do simple calculations. What it stands for: It is an acronym for “List Processing”. -
Founder(s): Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet, William Selden, and Gertrude Tierney Purpose: It is for business administration work. What it stands for: It is an acronym for “Common Business Oriented Language”. -
Founder(s): IBM Purpose: It was organizing data via hole punching. What it stands for: It is an acronym that stands for “Report Program Generator”. -
Founder(s): John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz Purpose: It was to get others not in the computer fields to use to create software pertaining to their fields What it stands for: “BASIC” is an acronym for “Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”. -
Founder(s): Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert Purpose: It was to command the movement of drawing. What it stands for: It is from the Greek word “logos”, which means thought to tell people the distinction and how it relied on graphics. -
Founder(s): Ken Thompson, Deniis Ritchie the right-hand person Purpose: It is for calculations for systems What it stands for: It is not confirmed, but the name is said to derived for Thompson’s earlier work in programming. -
Founder(s): Nikalus Wirth Purpose: It was to make programming more enhanced through technical means for gaming on the computer. What it stands for: It is named for Blaise Pascal. -
Founder(s): Dennis Ritchie, with Bell Labs as assistants Purpose: It was designed to make the CPU more efficient and also, the language was to be versatile. What it stands for: It does not mean anything in particular. -
Founder(s):Robin Milner with some people from University of Edinburgh Purpose: It is mainly for storing information in various fields What it stands for: It is an abbreviation for “Meta Language”. -
Founder(s): Raymond F. Boyce and Donald D. Chamberlin Purpose: It is make the overseeing of data more efficient and have more options for it. What it stands for: It is an acronym for “Structured Query Language”. -
Founders: Jean Ichbiah Purpose: It is to correct problems with the computer What it stands for: It is named after Ada Lovelace, hence “ADA”. -
Founder(s): Bjarne Stroustrup Purpose: It was to make applications for the computer and support platforms of the Web. What it stands for: The “C” signifies it has roots in the C programming language and the plus signs means is the operator, that tells it is an improvement from its origins. -
Visual Basic
Founder(s): Microsoft Purpose: It is to allow the creation of applications within Microsoft software. What it stands for: It is nothing in particular. -
Founder(s): Guido van Rossum with Python Software Foundation Purpose: It is for making programs, which is mainly for simple games What it stands for: It is a tribute to the Monty Python’s Flying Circus. -
Founder(s): Embarcadero Technologies Purpose: It has allowed the development of applications with different software What it stands for: This is from a Greek story based on one of the oracles. -
Founder(s): Brendan Eich with Netscape Communications Co., Mozilla Foundation, and Ecma International Purpose: It is to allow the special effects of the Web to be realized. What it stands for: It is random but might be to use the success of the Java for marketing purposes. -
Founder(s): James Gosling with Sun Microsystems Purpose: It was to allow complex actions to be a reality on all platforms. What it stands for: It is nothing in particular. -
Founder(s): Rasmus Lerdorf, and cooperation with PHP Team and Zend Technologies Purpose: It was for the Web to allow forms to be done on that platform. What it stands for: It was an acronym for Personal Home Page but now, it is HyperText Preprocessor.