Shanesha Brown_PSY313.

  • “7.3- Intrinsic Motivation”

    I love dancing, it's a passion of mine. I started dancing when I was one and I still do to this day today I still dance. I am a part of the Gallaudet dance company.
  • “6.2- ego support”

    when I was in middle school, one girl stole my flip flop and she was being so mean to me for no reason, calling me names and so I was crying and I went to my teacher who was able to help me to solve the situation with a girl from class
  • Period: to

    “1.1 Entering Adolescence

    Shanesha" 's First period, She was shocked because it was so unexpected. My mom said I was becoming a young woman and it was special to her. growth spurt started coming along as well
  • “6.2- ego support”

    when I was sad that one of my friends didn't like me then I knew i had my best friend Mikayla who was there for me and she made me feel better
  • “6.1- parent adolescent conflict.”

    I wanted to experience my first sleepover at the of 13, but my mom were super against it because she doesn't feel comfortable with me sleeping over with my friends. she never gave me a reason why I wasn't allowed to. I cried because I really wanted to experience it but I couldn't because my mom said no.
  • Graduation

    8th-grade graduation was super special to me because I realized the time says that it's time for me to high school, and knowing that I ain't a child anymore. started to understand my identity as deaf person and be me
  • “3.1- Social Cognition

    in high school, I was very concerned about wearing the right clothes, perfect phone, and fitting in with my peer group. I did think of having the wrong shoes to wear so that everyone would laugh at me. that is an Imaginary audience.
  • Shanesha First Braces

    Got braces for the first time in 2 years, it was a huge deal for me because I was going through puberty during my 13-14 in 2013-2014 right in the beginning of heading to high school
  • 7.1- Transition to High School”

    freshman year was nerve-racking because I didn't know what I had to do, and I was so scared because I didn't know anyone.
  • 7.1- Transition to High School”

    first relationship experience, on February 21, 2015
  • 7.1- Transition to High School”

    junior was the biggest stress of my lifetime, I had so much homework to complete and I was super stressed, and my mood changed a lot was going on that whole year for me.
  • Period: to

    “1.2 Emerging Adulthood”-

    age 18, is when my birthday came along, I realized that I was an adult because 18 was the adulthood age to the point where I started going to college, no more high school. my own responsibility to understand that growing up
  • 7.1- Transition to High School”

    Graduation day June 6th was the best day of my life however I was very nervous about going to college
  • “6.1- parent adolescent conflict.”

    I wanted to get my license as soon as I turned 17, but my parents wouldn't let me get my license until a year later. I was so mad because all of my friends were able to get a license before me and it felt like a slap in the face. I started to be super mad at my parents because that was the absolute goal that I wanted.
  • 4.1 Gender intensification

    Socialization pressure, when I was in high school I really wanted to fit in with the cool-hearing student group that is all girls. I would try to dress in the clothing style they wore, along with trying to talk cool slang. I didn't want to be an odd one out.
  • “6.1- parent adolescent conflict.”

    I really wanted to go to a party with my high school friends but my parents said no. I wasn't allowed to go. I was very upset and mad because they were my best friends
  • 18 got license

    age 18, became a licensed driver, where I can legally drive to my friend's house, the mall, and anywhere i wanted to go! i became Confident
  • “7.3- Intrinsic Motivation”

    I like having good grades, education is important to me because I want to pass my class. self-responsibility
  • “8.1- rite of passage.”

    car, I got my first car at 22, my parents wanted me to be responsible for gas, and car issues that I would have to pay.
  • 21st birthday

    I was a legal adult who could drink at the age of 21 and pretty much knew I could do anything I wanted because i was a full adult! I became independent
  • “8.1- rite of passage.”

    In adulthood when i turned 21 started to realise that I had to pay for things i wanted on my own, start paying my phone bill
  • “3.2- Fluctuation”

    when I got to college, I started sleeping super late and staying up all night long. it was very unusual for me because in high school I had a sleeping pattern to keep it sane but its fluctuated the moment I came to college
  • “3.2- Fluctuation”

    It was my first time on birth control and it made me have crazy mood swings for the first time ever in my life, and I didn't know whats was happening. everything just really changed me. i started gaining a lot of weight
  • 7.2- Transition to College.

    it was the first time in 2019, that I was on campus alone myself no friends, and no family and it was time for my independence.
  • 7.2- Transition to College.

    I was so scared and stressed on my first day of college that, didn't know where my classes were.
  • “6.2- ego support”

    my ex-boyfriend broke up with me and I had nobody to go too because I felt like he didn't love me or anything at all all along I knew that my best friend Ashey was there to pick up the pieces
  • 7.2- Transition to College.

    I get to explore Washington DC with new friends, and see places. try new foods
  • “7.3- Intrinsic Motivation”

    I like hanging out with my friends not being forced to but it's something that I enjoy with them. going out shopping, movies, out to eat. my choice
  • “3.3-Contradiction.”

    This really impacted my whole entire life. During covid online class, my grades were Phenomenal I had all A's. 4.0 GPA student. I was shocked that online made really do my work better and I had better time management. This was a special day for me because growing up my grades were never good until now.
  • “2.1 Maturational Timing.”

    Shanesha's covid experience social life was not good because everything was online
  • “6.2- ego support”

    my self-worth was completely lost on a random day and I woke up crying because I didn't know what to do with my life and I blocked everybody out of my life but my best friend Mikayla was there for me to help me to get out of the situation to get myself back together
  • “3.1- Social Cognition

    Shanesha's first boyfriend broke up with me. I was devastated and thought that my feelings were distinct. I thought nobody could understand what I was going through. that is called a " personal fable "
  • Period: to

    First dating experience

    started to meet my boyfriend during in 2021 when everything started to go back to normal life
  • back to college junior year

    Went back to Gallaudet university to get back into social life
  • “3.3-.Contradiction.”

    I want to be healthy, but I don't exercise regularly or eat a nutritious diet. I find it harder now than back then because when I was younger I used to be able to exercise but now it's hard for me because I'm on birth control
  • 7.2- Transition to College.

    Junior year, I get to explore my major and minor and decided to declare my major and minor in family & child studies and a minor in dance & education
  • “8.1- rite of passage.”

    coming of age, soon I'm gonna be 26 gonna be graduated, and going to work for the first time. I realized that everything in life is a journey.
  • turn 25th birthday

    finally hit at the age of 21
  • Period: to

    senior year here at gallaudet

    Excited to graduate in 2024 and enjoy my last year here
  • started to have problem behavior/anxiety

    when I came back from being online, my social life went downhill because I started losing my mind and was going through drama
  • first time drinking

    i definitely never really wanted to drink but my friends were telling me that its my last year of college and that i should be able to experience it.
  • Period: to

    “2.2- Niche-picking

    I started to become a mild ocd what I mean by that is that I like to clean more often. likes to be very organized and I think now that I started doing it more often I think it will last for a long time
  • being alone

    i realized that I'm 25 now, soon graduating form college. i like being alone to focus on myself and do what i have to do
  • going out explore nature

    I like going outside to appreciate life more and knowing that life is short to play around because I'm here for a reason and I want to be able to find my purpose.
  • “8.1- rite of passage.”

    now at the age of 25, I started paying credit card bills, life insurance and so much more started going on.
  • “7.3- Intrinsic Motivation”

    My goal is to graudate gallaudet unveristy with a 3.6 gpa as in magna cum laude. That is my main Goal self-determination