Some male lizards may change color or dance to attrach the female. -
The female lizard is fertilizited by the male. -
Build a Nest
Some female lizards dig holes or create a rock nest to lay their eggs in. -
Lay Eggs
3-4 days after the egg is laid, it sets. Setting is when the embryo settles to the bottom of the egg with air space at the top. -
Embryo Develops
It takes about 50-55 days for the eggs to fully develop and hatch. -
Protection of Eggs
The female will build the nest in an area hard for pretators to get to. Once the eggs are laid the females leaves them. -
Development in the Egg
The size of the egg can tell what gender the baby lizard will be. A big egg contains a female, and a small egg contains a male. -
Eggs Hatch
When the lizards are born they are able to take care of themselves right away. They learn everything needed to survive on their own.