War of 1812
It was a war between America against the Unites Kingdom that went on for about 2 1/2 years. Great Britain tried to impress the U.S. soliders to get them on their side and the U.S. was not happy about that. The U.S. felt outraged and insulted especially when Britain supported the Indians. War started in Baltimore. At this time America felt betrayed against Britain. The American soilders, troops, and leaders tried everything in their power to come out victorious and they did with a peace treaty wa -
Civil War
The Civil War was fought because some of the southern states wold not want to free the slaves.The North and South of the U.S was in conflict due to slavery. Both sideds would us all the help they can get. Women would discribe themselves a men to fight in the war, in charge of plantions, and help with medical needs. Here where also slave soldiers.
There were a lot of soldiers killed, but the North won. It was very hectic because nobdy cn trust anyone. Both sideds would use spys (mainly women).