The image of the french revolution   artsper magazine


  • Independece of the US

    Independece of the US
    This war was between the first 13 Great Britain colonies of nothern US and the Great Britain reing. It started because of the opression of the goverment over these colonies and the increasing taxes on everything. They won.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    It started with the national assembly (05/05/1789)and finished with the defetead of Napoleon Bonaparte (11/09/1799). This revolution was to stop the political system of the Ancient Regim. The enlightment was the main roll of these revolution. It ended with a constitutional monarchy and diferent ways of goverment on France.
  • Napoleon Empire

    Napoleon Empire
    It was a military of france who took the crown after the french revolution. He was against the Austrians and the Italians. He was involved in these conflicts, French Revolution, Tolón place, first Italic campaing, Napoleonic campaing in Egyp and Siria and the Napoleonics Wars (When he was crowned empire of France). His name was known on 1799 and then empire from 1804-1814.
  • The constitution of Cádiz

    The constitution of Cádiz
    The first constitution in Spain and the most liberal of its times. This constitution stablished the national soberabity, constitutional monarchy, separation of powers, universal manhood sufrage, the printed liberty,...Tis constitution last until 1814, when Fernand VII came back this constitution was errased, however 6 years later Fernand VII restablished again.
  • The war of independence

    The war of independence
    During the reing of Joseph Bonaparte, Portugal, UK and Spain they joined forces to start a war against Joseph, also known as the "six years war". This war took place from 1808 till 1814. The causses of this war were the kidnapped of Fernand VII, Madrid popular revolt, Bayona Abdication and the france try of reing all the Spanish country and also the envasion of Portugal.
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    Fernand VII

    Also called "The Wish" or " The Felon King" Had two reings, the first one until Joseph Bonaparte invaded Spain (3 months) and the second one until his death. Fernand is considered the greatest exponnent of absolutism in Spain.
  • Congress of Viena

    Congress of Viena
    The congress of Viena was an international mitting, in which they discuss redoing the borders and putting back the goverment before the french revolution (Ancient Regime); based on the balnce of powers so as not to carry another revolution or war, like the ones before. This all was after Napoleon's defeated.
  • 1820 Revolution

    1820 Revolution
    Was the 1º revolution after the Napoleonics wars and was based on liberalism and nationalism. This revolution took place on the south of Europe, the main counry was Spain and then Italy, Grece and Portugal started to folow this movement. This is why this revolution is also call "Mediterranean Cicle".
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    The Liberal Triennium

    This took place during Fernand VII. He restablshed the Cádiz constitution. This revolucionary process led to a realistic reaction and the invasion of the One houndread thounsends of sons of San Luis until 1823 when Fernand VII went back to Spain and restablished the absolute monarchy.
  • Moroe Doctrine

    Moroe Doctrine
    It says that the Western Hemisphere is not the property of the European colonies, and any intervention in political affairs is a potentially hostile act against the United States.
  • Spanish-American independence

    Spanish-American independence
    20 years of war between the ones that wanted the Spanish monarchy and those hwo wanted independence. When Napoleon Kidnapped the king of Spain, Fernand VII, and put hes brother in the reing this cused a movement of independence im Hispanoamerica and Spain, later on, in 1814 Napoleon was defeted and Fernand returnd back to Spain as they're new monarch.
  • 1830 Revolution

    1830 Revolution
    This revolution took place in Paris, France. It was a nationalist movement, this started because of the restauration of the absolutism, the lack of work, to demand the rights of freedom and democracy rights. Althought this movment took place in France, it also spread to Belgium where this country became independent of The Netherlands.
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    Isabella II

    Also called "The one of the sad destinies" or "The castiza queen" was Queen of Spain from 1833-1868. he had an uncle that wanted the thron, but thanks to the Sálica law she could reing once she was a little bit more older, because she was only 3 years old, so her mother took the position until the firts Carlist war when the position went for Baldomero Esperanto until 1842. In 1843 Isabella, at the age of 13 years old, started her reing in a liberal way. Her reing last until 1870.
  • 1848 Revolution

    1848 Revolution
    This movment was characterized by liberalism, nationalism, labor movement, the believing in rights and freedom. It started in France and spread all over central Europe.
  • The opium wars

    The opium wars
    They were two main conflicts between the Chinese impire and the Great Britain. The first one started on 1839 till 1842 and the second one started 1856 till 1860.
    This was because of the comertial interest that create the britanic smuggling of opio in India and in China, and the effort of the chinise goverment of stopping this trade.
    The chinise lose twice, so they sing the trade of inequality oppening some ports for trade anexed with Hong-Kong.
  • American civil wars

    American civil wars
    This was a conflict as a result of the slave controversy.
    The war started in April 1861, when the Confederated United States of America attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina.
    The nationalists of this union proclaimed royalty to the United States Constitution.
    They fought against the sectionists of the Confederate States, who defended slavery, not only to maintain but also to expand.
    The Union won, and this conflict ended in 1865.
  • The Meiji restoration

    The Meiji restoration
    Was a political event that restored practical imperial rule to Japan in 1868.
    The goals of the restored government were expressed by the new emperor in the Charter Oath.
    This was a political and social change, during which time Japan rapidly industrialized and adopted Western ideas and production methods.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    The Italic peninsula was divided into dinasty's no italic's, like Bourbons and Habsburgo. This movement was based on the romanticism culture and the nationalist ideology, they demand a political union.It started on 1848 and it ended with the unification on 1871.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    This was an historyc process in which 39 political states unify into the German Empire. This movement started on 1815 and ended with the union on the 1871.
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    1º Republic

    This was an attempt of having a republic govern, but in only 11 months Spain had 4 presidents and a lot of conflicts and wars, at the end this movment led to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.
  • the Bourbon restoration

    the Bourbon restoration
    After the democratic sexennial Alfonso XII restored the Bourbon court. This restoration last unti the second republic (1931).
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    Alfonso XII

    King of Spain, also known as "El pacificador".
    He fought against the First Spanish Republic and died at the age of 27 years old, by the next year his son would be born, the successor.
  • Bismarkian alliances

    Bismarkian alliances
    Germany was the strongest military force in Europe. Germany presented their self's as the peace and loving country.
    In 1871 the Russian and Austrian empire signed a treaty with Germany; this led to the Three Emperors' Agreement of Octouber 1873.
    When Bismarck published a document against France, Germany had a relly buig problem, because the countries wich sing with him because it was peacefull country enden going with France.
  • First Boer war

    First Boer war
    This war started on 16 December 1880 and until 23 March 1881 between the UK and Boers.
    Boer won this war, but they also won the independence of the South African Republic.
  • Berlin conference

    Berlin conference
    Also know as Westafrika-Konferenz, took place twice; 15 of november of 1884 and 26 february 1885. It was convene by France and UK, organised by the german conciller Otto von Bismarck, with the purpose of solving the problem of the of the African colonial expansion and solve their spread.
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    Alfonso XIII

    Also Nkow as "the African", was king of Sapin, son of Alfonso XII.
    He participated in the 1898 Disaster, World War I, Second Spanish Republic,...
    He played an important political role, entailing a highly controversial use of his constitutional powers.
    Alfonso XII leveraged his family relations with every major European royal family to help the stance of neutrality espoused by the government.
  • Fashoda Incident

    Fashoda Incident
    This was the climax of the imperialist territorial disputes between Britain and France in East Africa. France wanted to rule the Nile in Egypt but that zone was jet-occupied by Britain, so they expelled Britain to Sudan, they met friendly terms in Africa but not back in Europe.
    This all caused the French crises.
    This conflict spaned till the third of November.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    A manifestation in Russia to make a proposal to tsar and the star didn't do anything except of ordering the guards to shoot the civilians.
  • First Moroccan Crisis

    First Moroccan Crisis
    An international crisis between March 31 1905 and April 7 1906 over the status of Morocco.
    Germany incited France to grow its control over Morocco, aggravating itself and the UK.
    The crisis was restored by the Algeciras Conference of 1906, where the European countries affirmed French control. This worsened the relations between Germany VS France and the UK.
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    Balkan Wars

    These were two wars that took place in the Southeast of Europe.
    The first one faced the Ottoman Empire. They could have expelled the Ottomans but afterward, the lig of the Balkans fought for the split of the territory won, and these led to the second war of the Balkans.
    The treaty of Bucarest put an end to the wars but led to a wish for a rematch from the Bulgarians.
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    Firts World War

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was murdered.
    Austria believed that Servia was responsible for the attack. Then Austria asked for an investigation and Serbia refused so they entered into war.
    And this led to a world war because European Powers had to respond because of the Alliances.
  • February revolution

    February revolution
    It was an attempt by the soviets (peasants and workers groups) the demand peace, land, and bread. The army refused so they demanded an abdication of the star of Russia.
    The public protests intensified in July which the provisional government tried to repress.
  • October revolution

    October revolution
    The Bolsheviks won the support of the majority of the soviets with the publication of Lenni's April Theses.
    In October, the Bolsheviks seized the Winter Palace and established a socialist government of workers and peasants.
    The first election took place in November 1917.
    On the first government, the new move it made was the signing of the treaty of Brest-Litvosk.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litvosk

    Treaty of Brest-Litvosk
    This treaty led to Russia's enjoying the war even though it meant losing some land. The government put the Soviets at the center of power, carried out agriculture reforms, expropriation land, and nationalized factories, and businesses.
  • Treaty of versailles

    Treaty of versailles
    This treaty placed hard conditions on Germany.
    It says that Germany was responsible for the war, had to give several lands to other countries, the colonies were given to the Allied Powers, sanctions, restrictions of the military, and the use of the submarine, and were disarmed.
  • Leage of nation

    Leage of nation
    Caused by the sign of the treaty of Versailles. Restored the bases of peace and reorganize the relations after the war.
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    Primo de Rivera Dictatorship

    In 1923 he led a coup d'état against the parliamentary government of Spain and eventually won. The Constitution and the parliamentary government were suspended.
    In domestic policy, he established the Patriotic Union as the official political party.
    In foreign policy, he ended the Rif War in Morocco.
    In the economy, for example, he carried out ambitious public work projects.
    The effects of the 1929 Great Depression, led to Primo de Rivera`s resignation.
  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    Because of political, social and economic problems caused of Western imperialism, Japanese Imperialism and the decline of the Qing dinasty. A revolution emerged and as a result the People's Republic of China was established on 1 August 1927-1 October 1949.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    Name for the largest fall in share prices in the history of the US stock market. It led to the crisis of 1929 and the Great Depression.
  • 1931 Constitution

    1931 Constitution
    This constitution included a series of progressive principles:
    - Spain was politically organised as a democratic republic.
    - The steblishment of universal suffrage.
    - The Constitution organised the separation of powers.
    - Spain was declared a secular state.
    - Citizens were granted extensive rights and freedoms.
    This reveled huge rifts between the left and right wing.
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    Spanish Second Republic

    This republic is divided into 3 periods. The first one is The reformist biennium (1931-1933), the second,centre-right biennium (1933-1936), this two almost in peace because in the second biennium took place the October Revolution of 1934, the last one, The Frente Popular (1936-1939). In the general elections of 1936 the left-wing won, but sadly they could only govern in peace for five months due to the start of the civil war between republicans and nationalistics.
  • Asturias miner's strike

    Asturias miner's strike
    In this revolution miners took control of the coalfields and proclaimed a revolutionary government. They occupied town halls and Civil war posts in the area. The army led by Francisco Franco suppressed them.
  • Spanish civil War

    Spanish civil War
    It was an atempt of an uprisin of troops in Spanish Moroco agaisnt the new Republican government. Led by General Sanjuro, Mola and Franco, the plan was to seize power in major cities. But this rapid coup d`état failed and developed into a deadly three-year civil war.
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    Franco dictator ship

    Period of time in which Spain was controlled by Franco`s regime.
    Durig this period of time rights and freedoms were restricted and everything add in the Reformist Biennium was banned.
    It lasted until hes death.
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    Second World War

    It was the biggest armed and military conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and saw two alliances fight each other: the Allies and the Axis. this huge conflict left behind 60 million people who died, 35 million were wounded, 3 million disappeared and 35 million were displaced, deported, evacuated, or exiled.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany wanted to invade the USSR. Hitler planned to occupy Moscow and gain control of the weat in Ukraine and the oil in the Caucasus. For that, the German army used its lightning war strategy on three strategic points: Leningrad, Moscow, and Kyev.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Attack on Pearl Harbour
    This was a surprise attack from the Japanese army on the naval base of the US Army in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. The purpose of the attack was to prevent the US from joining the war or intervening in their colonisation of the Pacific.
  • Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    They were two atomic attacks ordered by President Harry S. Truman on Hiroshima, on 08/06, and Nagasaki, on 08/08. This contributed to the start of the Sovietic-Japanese War and the end of the Second World War.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    An international organisation whose main objectives are to maintain international peace and security, respect people's right to self-determination, protect human rights and freedoms, and promote peaceful cooperation between countries. This organisation is the substitute for the League of Nations.
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    Cold War

    It was a period of rivalry and tension between the US and the USSR as the competed for power, wealth and areas to expand their influence.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    On March 12, 1947, President Harry S. Truman presented this address before a joint session of Congress. His message, known as the Truman Doctrine, asked Congress for $400 million in military and economic assistance for Turkey and Greece.
  • Arab-Israel Wars

    Arab-Israel Wars
    It was the phenomenon involving political tension, military conflicts, and other disputes between various Arab countries and Israel, which escalated during the 20th century.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Document created by the UN in 1948 that established universal protection for fundamental human rights.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    It was a conflict between South Korea supported by the UN, and North Korea supported by China and the USSR. In which North Korea wanted to invaded South Korea, and ceased after an armistice on 27 July 1953.
  • Bandung confference

    Bandung confference
    It`s a confference of representatives from twenty-nine governments of Asian and African nations gathered in Bandung, Indonesia to discuss peace and the role of the Third World in the Cold War, economic development, and decolonization.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    It was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It was the second of the Indochina Wars and was a major conflict of the Cold War.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    It was a guarded concrete barrier that encircled West Berlin of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1961 to 1989, separating it from East Berlin and the German Democratic Republic. The construction of the Berlin Wall was commenced by the government of the GDR on 13 August 1961.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    It was a 13-day confrontation between the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union, when American deployments of nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of nuclear missiles in Cuba. It lasted from 16 to 28 October 1962.