
By Coolyle
  • 1680 BCE

    Microscopic lenses

    Microscopic lenses
    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invited the early microscopic lenses
    He discovered the animalcules which are now called bacteria
    It opened up a whole new world of microscopic that scientist could never before.
  • 1668 BCE


    His investigation was one of the earliest examples of using controls to test hypothesis
    He determined that living thing arise from other living things
  • 1667 BCE

    Spontaneous generation

    Established from his observations that microorganisms do not grow from eggs and proposed
    A theory of spontaneous generation whereby living organisms develop from non-living matter at the microscopic level.
  • 1590 BCE

    Invented Microscope

    Invented Microscope
    Observed that viewed objects in front of the tube appear greatly enlarged.
    Compound Microscope and the telescope
    Making one of the earliest compound microscopes.1590.
  • Compound Microscope

    Compound Microscope
    Observed tiny structures, he called these structure "cells". They reminded him the rooms that monks lived in.
    Discovered the first plant cells.
  • Cell theory

    Cell theory
    Hypothesis if the broth is boiled and then sealed, it will never spoil
    Living things can only come from other living things
  • Father of Microbiology

    Father of Microbiology
    Observed the first motile organisms
    He gathered the animalcules from the drop of pond water he collected
    Discovered bacteria
  • Stanley Miller

    Performed an experiment that may explain what occurred billions of years ago.
    He sent an electrical charge through a flask of chemical solution of methane, ammonia hydrogen and water.
    This created organic compound including amino acids.
  • Harold Urey

    Experiment was a simulation of conditions on the early testing the idea that life, or more specifically organic molecules, could have performed by nothing more than simple chemical reaction
  • Eukaryotic

    Her serial endosymbiotic theory (SET) of eukaryotic cell development over turned the modern concept of how life originated on earth.