Yellowstone header

Yellowstone Timeline

  • 9000 BCE

    Yellowstone was home to some indians

    Yellowstone was home to some indians
  • John Colter discovered what would later be Yellowstone

    John Colter discovered what would later be Yellowstone
  • Yellowstone was established the first national park

    Yellowstone was established the first national park
  • Railroad arrived in Yellowstone allowing easier access

    Railroad arrived in Yellowstone allowing easier access
  • The U.S. Army managed the park until 1918

    The U.S. Army managed the park until 1918
  • Automobiles are allowed into the park

    Automobiles are allowed into the park
  • National park service is created

    National park service is created
  • Boundary adjustments made

    Boundary adjustments made
  • The "summer of fires" started

    The "summer of fires" started
  • 14 wolves were brought to Yellowstone to increase population

    14 wolves were brought to Yellowstone to increase population