Treaty of Versailles
One of the most important peace treaty's signed. It ended world war one. This is important because it did end the first war in Germany. -
Nazi party formed
Women's rights
The 19th amendment was over looked and women got the rights they seeked. They started dressing how they wanted and cutting and doing their makeup how they wanted. -
Worlds first commercial radio
Entertainment was now invented. You could know what was going on in the world and when things were happening without reading yesterdays paper. It is important because you need to know what is happening in the world. -
Stalin rises to power
When inflation went up crisis broke out. People took wheel barrows to buy food. it was like money was nothing. The international committee helped a lot with putting an end to it. -
Literature was changed after the war authors started writing darker stories post war. Franz Kafka is known for his creepy short stories afterwards. -
Germany admitted to nations league
Stock market crashes.
German invasion of poland
Hitlers attempt to take over Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany.