Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, author of The Social Contract, one of the most influential nooks of republic thought. He believed in a government run by the people for the people, saying that we are all humans with the same rights. He’s ideas influenced the French Revolution, as well as over development of modern political, sociological and educational thought. -
James Watt Invented The Steam Engine
During the 1700’s the removal of water from mines was a significant industrial challenge. Over the years many ideas were trilled, but none where efficient, as they were extremely slow and used too much energy. Thomas Newcomen invented the Newcomen engine, an engine consisting of a steam piston that moves a large wooden beam to drive the water pump. This was inefficient as it used a lot of energy. In 1765 James Watt discovered a separate condenser, controlling the temperature of the water. -
Lachlan Macquarie
On the 1810 Lachlan Macquarie became the fifth governor of New South Wales. Quickly after becoming governor he expanded the boundaries of New South Wales as he’s colonies where growing. He believe that convicts that had a position of authority and influence were given higher rights and privileges than other convicts. While in power he order the construction of roads and bridges connecting Sydney with outer towns, and had over 200 churches built. -
Eureka Rebellion
The Eureka rebellion, on the Victorian goldfields, Ballarat 1854, is a key event in Australian history. It shows the development of Australia's democracy and identity, with some people believing it was the birth place for Australia's democracy. The rebellion started because gold field miners opposed to the governments miners' licences. Over the year groups of diggers would have small protests or rebellions and many meetings were held. -
Australian Football
Australian football was invented in Melbourne in the 1850’s and codified in 1859, making it the eldest code of football in the world. It was first played amongst private Melbourne schools during winter as a way of keeping the cricket players fit. The first football club created was the Melbourne Football Club in 1859, by 1877 VFA (Victorian Football Association) which included twelve clubs across Melbourne. AFL wasn’t created till years later. -
World War I - The ANZACS
On the 25 of April, 1915, troops landed on Gallipoli peninsula. Their objection, to invade the Sari Bair range, than travel inland to the hill Mal Tepe. Other groups of British soldiers landed at different locations along the peninsula, around Cape Helles. Their objection was a high point, locally known as Alçitepe, than up north to join other troops. Neither were successful, both being stopped by Turkish forces. This was only the beginning of a war that would last for years, resulting in many d