
Industrial Revolution by Tim Tith

  • Industrial Revolution Begins

    Industrial Revolution Begins
    The Industrial Revolution was a period of time from 1700 to 1800 where the was many changes in argriculture, manfavturing, mining, transportation and alos technonolgy which also had effects on social, economics and cultural. The Industrial Revolution began in Britian then spread across the world, where many of the many effects occur in Europe, North America and Japan.
  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drill

    Jethro Tull invents the seed drill
    Jethro Tull, inventd the seed drill which help plant cultivate farm land faster and more effeciently. Jethro also help begin the Agricultral revolution which played an important role in the industrial revolution as it stablize the food supply.
  • Abraham Darby introduce coke to smelting iron

    Abraham Darby introduce coke to smelting iron
    Abraham Darby introduce coke to iron smelting method, this introduction allow mass production of iron goods.
  • Steam Engine invented

    Steam Engine invented
    Thomas Newcomen invents the steam engine, is wasn't useful at first, but as time goes on, the steam engine play an important role in the Industrial Revlution.
  • John Kay invented the flying shuttle

    With the invention of the flying shuttle, this lead to the improvement looms which lead weavers to weave faster.
  • First threshing machine invented

    The first threshing machine was an improvement of the method of beating grains by hand with a flail.
  • Spinning Jenny invented

    James Hargreaves, a British carpenter and weaver, invents the Soinning Jenny which spins more than one ball of thread oryarn at a time meaning more cloth was made quicker and cheaper.
  • James Watt improves the steam engine

    James Watt improves the design of the steam engine making it more efficient. This lead to one of the most important inventions in the Industrial Revolution.
  • Captain Cook reached at South-Eastern Coast of New Holland

    Cook sailed to New Zealand and mapped the complete coastline, with some minor errors. Then he voyaged west, reaching the South-eastern coast of New Holland on 19th of April 1770 and because of that, his expedition became the first recorded Europeans to have New Holland's Eastern coastline encountered.
  • American Revolution

    The American revolution began in the last half of the 18th century in which the 13 colonies in North America joined forces together to fight for freedon against the british Empire.
  • Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule

    The Spinning mule, invented by Samuel Crompton in Bolton, allow the production of fine yran made by machines possible.
  • First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay.

    Between 1788 and 1850 the English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia (New holland) in 806 ships. The first 11 ships are today known as the First Fleet and they contained convicts and marines that are now known as the founders of Australia.
  • First Settlement in Australia

    Few days after arrival at Botany Bay, the fleet moved to Sydney cove and settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26th of January, 1788. The colony was proclaimed by Governer Phillip on 7th of Feburary, 1788 at Sydney Cove.
  • Eli Whitney ivents the Cottin Gin

    Eli Whitney invents a machine that makes separating a cotton seed from the cotton fibre much more easier, this inventions greatly reduce the time it takes to clean cotton.
  • Alessandro Volta invents the battery.

    Alessandro Volta invents the battery which revolutionize how we use eletricity.
  • Count Alessandro Volta

    Count Alessandro Volta invents the first electric battery
  • Sir Humphrey Davy invents the Safety Lamp

    The inventions of the safety lamp, allowed miners to mine for ores much more safer as the inventions prevented the flame to light mine gase, though saving thousands of miners lives.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon's forces were defeated near the village of Waterloo in Belgium by the British and Prussian forces. It was the first time that Napoleon had met the Duke of Wellington on the field of battle, and Wellington (who had studied Napoleon's techniques) anticipated his every move, and was able to defeat him.
  • Coal Mines Act was created

    The Coal Mines Act was a law that prevented women and children to work in harsh conditons for long hours in conditons such as factories or mines.
  • Samuel Morse ivents the telegraph

    Samuel Morse ivents the telegraph, which allows messages to be sent quickly around the place using wires.
  • Elias Howe invents the sewing machine

    Elias Howe ivents the sewing machine, where before the inventions people had to make or pay someone to make the clothe by hand. With the invention clothes wher made is mass production in large factories
  • Gold Rush Began in Australia

    Gold was discovered in Ballarat, Australia decades before the Gold Rush, but kept secret. The discovery of Gold was then offically announced where in then spark the begiining of the Gold Rush in Ballarat.
  • The Bessemer Method for processing steel is invented.

    Henry Bessemer invents a process for making steel out of iron. Having a way to make steel more quickly and more cheaply helps the production of building and leads to the growth of cities.
  • The Gattling Gun is invented by Richard Jordan Gatling

    Richard Jordan Gatling invented the gatling gun, as and improvemnet to the the muskets which takes a while to fire the next shot. With this invention warfare changed completely.
  • Alfred Nobel invents dynamite

    Alfred Nobel invents dynamite, which was a safer where to blast through mountain walls or the ground for mining instead of just using black powder.
  • Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases.

    A chemist named Louis Pasteur believed that germs caused disease. Using this information, he created vaccines that helped prevent many common diseases, which helped people live longer.
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish scientist and inventor, invented the telephone which change the way how mankind can communicate with each other.
  • Thomas Edison invents the light bulb

    Thomas Edison, an American inventor, invented the lightbulb, he also ivented many more inventions, such as the phonograph and motion picture camera.
  • The Wright Brothers make their first powered airplane flight.

    Using an engine that they invented, Orville and Wilbur Wright invent the first plane that is not powered by wind. Orville flies the plane for 12 seconds over a beach in North Carolina.
  • Henry Ford creates the Model T.

    Henry Ford creates a type of car called the Model T. It is much cheaper than other cars because it is made on an assembly line, allowing many more people to buy cars.