
Industrial Revolution Timeline Coy

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution is the time period where goods began to become manufactured, and sold to countries all over the world, rather than sold locally in the town you were born, it soon became normal to be wearing clothes from all over the country, and soon after even that, today, clothes from all over the world. This era originated in Europe, specifically Britain, but the ideas they were getting extremely wealthy off, were soon taken by other countries and became a planet changing phenomenon.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    Built an early steam engine known as the Boulton and Watt steam engine which was very primitive for what was to come compared to later innovations upon this invention.
  • Utilitarianism

    The idea of acts that will only benefit the majority. The first philosopher with these ideas was known as Jeremy Bentham, who lived from 1748 until 1832. Previous to this some Philosophies favored what the minority wanted, being the rich upper classes being preferred care rather to the poor. So of course this became widely popular among poor nations.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    Improved steam engine, which made travel and work much easier for the common man. The steam engine was used for powering locomotives which ran across railroad tracks powered by coal. Also used for the powering of the steam boat, which made transporting goods and people, absurdly easier to manage between countries. Previously many people would die on ships trying to travel the seas as it wasn't quick enough and couldn't possibly hold enough food for that long.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented a machine that separates cotton from its seeds, which greatly simplified the process. Made the recent textile industry explosion further it to even higher than before.
  • Alfred Nobel

    Alfred Nobel
    Alfred Nobel, The inventor of Dynamite, originally was used and widely sold as a mining tool, used for clearing areas underground. The product boomed due to the recent rise of the coal and iron mining, which is used for factories that had sprung up, and iron for the new market for the steel industry. however, It soon was seen as potential in the weapons and ammunition's market, this horrified Nobel, knowing that his invention was being used to kill, when he invented it for good cause.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Most known for the revolutionary invention of the light bulb, he is hailed as Americas greatest inventor and innovator during this time. He also invented the phonograph, which was a device that played sound from records. Invented and improved on movie cameras. Before he invented the light bulb it is well known that he failed about 10,000 times before he got it right, which gave us this famous line from him "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
  • Socialism

    Another philosophy by Karl Marx, it is very similar to Communism because of this, very similar at that. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 which became widely known across Europe. Socialism basically is the idea of sharing and self responsibility where everyone owns the same amount, and if someone gets something others don't then they are to share it with others around them.
  • Communism

    what is known as Marxism was founded by Karl Marx which, was an early form of communism. This ideology became extremely popular among struggling since it promised a way out of poverty and famine. How it works is basically, everyone is paid the same and given the same, in a way to make everyone equal. But, the problem is if you can make the same selling onions, and the same as being a surgeon, why not just do something easy to benefit yourself.
  • Tenements

    Like the first kind of apartment building, used as housing for people of lower income, normally built near factories in cities so that the people living in them don't walk far to get to work.
  • Dynamite

    Invented by Alfred Nobel as a way to destroy areas for the mining industry. Was adapted into the Ammunition's Market soon after, which displeased it's inventor, so much so that he decided to put the money into something good, the Nobel Prize, which celebrates man-kinds great achievements.
  • Social Democracy

    Social Democracy
    This is the philosophy that spawned the infamous "Social Justice" . It basically wants economic and social interventions that promotes standing up for others and yourself.
  • Social Gospel

    Social Gospel
    Social Gospel was a movement that was using religious ideologies to try and solve ethical and social problems that were going on at the time. From this spawned many things that came to be such as, Equal Rights between men and women, equality between races, and freedom from child lobor.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    Was a talented Italian inventor that is most well known for developing and creating the first radios, which revolutionized long distance communication and entertainment across the globe.
  • Automobiles

    The first practical cars were made very late into the industrial revolution, yet still made travel and transportation extremely easier. Invented by Karl Benz in Germany.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    The assembly line made the whole revolution possible, with not having to teach all workers to build an entire car, you now only teach them how to build a certain part or parts. Invented by Henry Ford just for that idea, which was quite groundbreaking. Ford used it to move cars along a line that made production much easier, he wasn't the first to use this idea, but it was given the name by Ford.