XX and XXI centuries - Evidence 1

  • Period: to

    XX - XXI

  • First World War

    First World War
    Triggered by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, this conflict happened across Europe during 1914 and 1918 and several countries participated with 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, making it one of the largest wars in history. This war led to the death of 16 million people.
  • The Big Bang Theory by George Lemaître

    The Big Bang Theory by George Lemaître
    In 1927, Lemaître published in Belgium a virtually unnoticed paper that provided a compelling solution to the equations of General Relativity for the case of an expanding universe. After this, other scientists developed this theory.
  • First TV demonstration

    First TV demonstration
    Philo Farnsworth gave the world's first public demonstration of an all-electronic television system, using a live camera, at the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia on August 25, 1934, and for ten days afterwards. He developed a television system complete with receiver and camera which he produced commercially through the Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation from 1938 to 1951. The TV later became one of the most important vias of massive communication.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers and the Allies. The 40,000,000–50,000,000 deaths incurred in World War II make it the bloodiest conflict, as well as the largest war, in history.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    A struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an important leader of the civil rights movement. The American civil rights movement broke the entrenched system of racial segregation in the South and achieved crucial equal-rights legislation.
  • World Trade Center Attack

    World Trade Center Attack
    On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
    It remains as one of the most traumatic events of the century, not only for Americans but also for the world.
  • The first iPhone

    The first iPhone
    After years of waiting, the first generation iPhone was released. This is the start and introduction of concepts like touch-screen cellphones, removing the physical keyboard, a big technological advance for those years. This is the beginning of social media use as we know it today.
  • Black Lives Matter Movement

    Black Lives Matter Movement
    Also known as BLM. Started in social media as the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting and death of Trayvon Martin, an afroamerican boy. This movement returned to the headlines in 2020 with the protests across USA for George Floyd's death.
  • First Image of a Black Hole

    First Image of a Black Hole
    Achieved by The Event Horizon Telescope project, a global collaboration of more than 200 scientists using an array of observatories scattered around the world, from Hawaii to the South Pole. Combined, this array acts like a telescope the size of Earth, and it was able to collect more than a petabyte of data while staring at M87’s black hole in April 2017. It then took two years for scientists to assemble the mugshot.
  • First Case of Covid-19

    First Case of Covid-19
    On Dec. 31, the government in Wuhan, China, confirmed that health authorities were treating dozens of cases. Days later, researchers in China identified a new virus that had infected dozens of people in Asia. At the time, there was no evidence that the virus was readily spread by humans. The outbreak of the virus has sickened more than 80 million people.