Revolutionary war collage wcpd 500 317

The Revloution Battles

  • Period: to

    The Revolutions Begin

  • Haiti Fought

    Haiti Fought
    Toussaint L’Ouverture was the person who led the revolution and his social class was african.
  • Haiti Win Revolution

    Haiti Win Revolution
    The revolution began by slaves fought. Yes haiti won because as stated in the reading “However, by 1804 the french army was defeated, and french rule in haiti ended.”
  • Mexico Fought

    Mexico Fought
    The people that led the mexican revoultion was Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos, there social classes was catholic priests.
  • Mexico Wins Revolution

    Mexico Wins Revolution
    The revolution began by madero lead the way. Yes mexico won because as stated in the reading “By 1821, the fight was won.”
  • Brazil Fought

    Brazil Fought
    The person who led the revolution was Dom Pedro. The social class that he belong to is the liberator.
  • Brazil Wins Revolution

    Brazil Wins Revolution
    Brazil revolution began by regular forces and civilian militia. Yes brazil won because as stated in the reading “he declared Brazil an independent country”.