
  • The Triple Alliance

    Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy from 1882 until 1915. They all promised each other support against any other great power.
  • Franco-Russian Alliance

    Franco-Russian Alliance
    France and Russia had an alliance from 1892-1917. Founded because of financial ties and common military intrests.
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance

    Anglo-Japanese Alliance
    Alliance between Great Britain and Japan that ended Britain's, "splendid isolation," and was renewed in 1905 and 1911. The alliance was officially terminated in 1921. America was hostile toward Japan and didn't like England's role. Britain stopped France from aiding Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    They fought over a little slice of Manchuria just north of the Korean peninsula. Russia wanted to build a railroad to try to get some warm water. 39th parallel was used as a neutral buffer between Russia and Japan.
  • First Morracan Crisis

    Germany wanted to challenge France's growing control over Morocco. This angered France and Great Britain but the issue was resolved by a conference that confirmed French control.
  • Bosnian Crisis

    Austria-Hungary annexed the territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina previously belonging the the Ottoman Empire. Sparked outrage from all the Great Powers. Damaged relations between Austria-Hungary and Italy, Serbia, and Russia.
  • Agadir Crisis

    France deployed troops into Morocco. Germany was okay with France's expansion but also wanted territory. They negotiated that France keep Morocco while Germany got territorial concessions from the French Congo.
  • Italo-Turkish War

    Italy and the Ottoman Empire fought and Italy was the victory. Italy gained the land of the Tripoliania Vilayet. Sparked nationalism in the Balkan states.
  • The Balkan Wars

    With the Ottoman Empire unable to reform itself and the great powers arguing the Balkan States took matters into their own hands. Resulting in the Ottoman Empire losing all of its European territories to the west of the river Maritsa.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was assassinated by Serbian Gavrilo Princip. This angered Austria-Hungary and they got set to fight Serbia. Russia got ready to defend Serbia and so on and so on, as the European alliances divided the continent.